The Gateway (Pleasant Valley Shabbos Edition)

The Republican obsession with contraception is ahistorical.


Barry Goldwater (!?!) voted against a constitutional amendment that would have reversed Roe v. Wade. His first wife, Peggy, was a founding member of Planned Parenthood of Arizona in 1937, and the couple was active in the organization throughout Goldwater's political career. He personally approved of his daughter’s illegal abortion in 1955 and Planned Parenthood gives an annual award in his honor.


The first George Bush had such a pro-family planning record in Congress that his colleagues called him "Rubbers."


And RomneyCare is more pro-choice than ObamaCare. Planned Parenthood Republicans: A Decades-Long History




In his slut-shaming, of Sandra Fluke, Limbaugh channels “Fear of a Black Hat”:

Nina Blackburn: What, if any, is the difference between a ho and a bitch?

Tone Def: A ho fucks EVERYBODY.

Ice Cold: Right, but a bitch fucks everybody BUT YOU.


Frankly, I’m puzzled; I’ve seen this lady, and I’d be only too pleased to be paying for her contraceptives. Rush Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke, Woman Denied Right To Speak At Contraception Hearing, A 'Slut'



Pants on fire (part 17,546)—like he doesn't know who Rubio is. The Question Mitt Romney Didn't Understand




Towns notes Jeffries vigorously supported him in his 2008 and 2010 primaries.

As if supporting a mediocrity against a psychopath was a contract in effect in perpetuity.

Towns also said Jeffries “may denigrate the seniority process but he would soon learn if he ever becomes a member of the House of Representatives, that it takes time to prove your worth.”

Strong words from a man whose colleagues voted him out of a Ranking Membership on a committee. Ed Towns Will Not Go Negative Against His ‘Youngest Opponent’





Besides the party affiliation of whose ox is being gored, it is hard to make moral distinction between the Assembly and Senate proposals for the Congressional lines. the albany project:: Trapped in the sausage-making redistricting machine



Colin and Shakespeare get it right: Much Ado About Nothing. Why We All Need to Chill Out Over Last Night’s Redistricting Maps




The Queens Republican Party cares more about their petty feuding than about winning elections.

Let's extend them a vote of thanks. Queens GOP Feud Heats Up




Gatemouth extends kudos to Paul Saryian for ensuring a two Party election on the Rock's North Shore. He is a true American patriot who understands the true meaning of democracy.

In other news, Gatemouth endorses Assemblyman Matt Titone for re-election. Ex-NYPD Brass Weighs Challenge Against Assemblyman Titone




The Bash, Destroy and Savage (BDS) Israel movement continues the battle of Park Slope with the goal of pushing Israel products and those who make them into the sea.

Cameo appearance in opposition by former Israel basher Councilman Brad Lander, using the same words ("one sided") he used in describing an article (now repudiated) he one wrote along the same lines. I must admit that the presence of leftie Jews like Lander and Michael Walzer in the pro-Israel camp on this issue makes the probability of victory far stronger.

Members of the Zionist right should take due notice (and perhaps Borough Parkers should consider the salutary effect of having some of their community share a district with the Slope). The Park Slope Food Coop Debates BDS, Boycotting Israel – Tablet Magazine




I was shocked to learn that this article was not about Brooklyn. Why The Russian Vote Matters





In the comments to this article, Brooklyn GOP Law Chair Gene Berardelli exposes his unfitness for membership in the civilized world (compare the class shown by hBrooklyn Tea Party Leader Joseph Hayon and then weep):

Gene B. from Sheepshead Bay says:

“With due respect, if Lew Fidler is too sick to attend a local debate, I fear he may be too sick to represent us in Albany. We see the results of the strain of a campaign. I worry that the strain of traveling back and forth and the hectic schedule of a state senator may be a risk he shouldn't expose himself and his family to. I wish him a speedy recovery and best wishes to his family.”


With all due respect (which is absolutely none, nada, nil, absolute zero and zilch), if Gene Berardelli, who outweighs Fidler by at least 100 pounds (even though he is at least a head shorter and 20 years younger), fears for anyone's health, it should be his own. In this, Gene's weight is exceeded only by his lack of sincerity. If, G-d forbid, David Storobin got ill, would Gene feel for even a nanosecond that this justified throwing a vote Mr. Fidler's way? He would not. So let' s stop kidding ourselves. There are real and important issues here, and momentary health concerns and other false issues should not be allowed to override them.


We see here the strain of a campaign. I fear that if Gene's mind is so sick as to try to take advantage of Mr. Fidler's temporary troubles. Gene may be too mentally ill to continue to represent his party and other clients, and I shudder at the thought that his great strain in carrying his huge tonnage and deranged mind may pose a risk that should not be exposed to the community.


I wish Gene luck with a capital F. Debate cancelled! Hospitalized Fidler pulls out of Manhattan Beach showdown




Domestic Partner's assertion that Anthony Weiner must be celebrating may not quite be accurate.

No matter; Andrew (not Todd) Breitbart did not expose Anthony Weiner; Anthony Weiner exposed himself.

I'll shed no tears for Weiner (or for that matter, for Breitbart), but I will drink a toast tonight to Shirley Sherrod, who showed more class in her condolences than Breitbart showed in his lifetime. Was Andrew Breitbart Working on a CNN Show with Anthony Weiner? (Updated)




Bob Kerrey’s rendition of this Eric Bogle classic is moving beyond what mere words can convey, but the Pogues' version is still better. Bob Kerrey Election Night Amazing political moment.




Obits to the contrary, Davy Jones was NOT the Monkees’ primary lead singer—Mickey Dolenz was, and Jones was the least cool Monkee by a country mile (he was the second lead in “Oliver,” for Chrissake), but “The Monkees,” one the most influential sitcoms of all time, launched the careers directors Paul Mazursky and Bob Rafelson (as well as an important country-rock pioneer named Michael Nesmith). And their music (some of which they played on) was pretty damned good. This link has some fine examples (even though they forgot "Randy Scouse Git”). Top 10 Monkees Songs

