The Gateway (GOP Eunichs Edition)

The GOP on Slutgate; the outrage is palpable:

Romney: ""I'll just say this, which is, it's not the language I would have used,"

Santorum: "He's being absurd, but that's, you know … an entertainer can be absurd…He's in a very different business than I am."

You would think that two geldings so totally bereft of even the mildest residual sign of balls would have a bit more empathy for women. Romney: Limbaugh's 'slut' line is 'not the language' I'd use




George Will: "Mr. Boehner comes out and says, Rush's language was inappropriate. Using a salad fork for your entree, that's inappropriate. Not this stuff. I mean, and Rick Santorum says well, what he says was absurd, but an entertainer is allowed to be absurd. No. It is the responsibility of conservatives to police the right in its excesses, just as the liberals unfailingly fail to police the excesses in their own side. And it was depressing, because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they're afraid of Rush Limbaugh." George Will Mocks 'Depressing' GOP Response To Rush Limbaugh




Rush (in 2010): "If you read all the way through the story, you'll find that they are livid at me, even though I've called nobody a 'bitch,' I called nobody a 'whore,' I called nobody a 'slut.'" Why Does Rush Limbaugh Get Away With Calling a Young Woman a 'Slut'?




This right wing requiem for Breitbart suffers from brevity: it omits any mention of Shirley Sherrod.


Well, at least Breitbart never called her a slut.  Requiem for a heavyweight




When will Romney debate Romney? 07/30/2009 – Mr. President, What’s the Rush?




In cleaning out the Snowe legacy/myth, Chait finds it more reminiscent of a different shovel-ready commodity. Olympia Snowe's Strange Martyrdom




The Democrats finally find a socially liberal candidate who might actually hold the Nebraska Senate seat–so naturally, all the left blogosphere can do is complain.

Does ObamaCare cover lobotomies? Bob Kerrey bid causes left to lash out – David Catanese




This article takes absurdity to a new height.


First Guy Molinari, clearly suffering from dementia, says Chuck Schumer was behind Anthony Weiner's dropping the dime on Michael Grimm's fundraising methods.


It’s not as if Anthony is Chuck’s clone. Anthony is married to a beauty and stays at home playing out virtual masturbation fantasies. Chuck doesn’t do this, even though all he has waiting for him at home is Iris Weinshall.


More importantly, Weiner has a rather well-documented relationship with the strange Rabbi Pinto and his cult (do Weiner’s go well with Pinto beans?), so, it is clear how Weiner might have stumbled upon a scandal without any help or encouragement from Senator Chuck (who, at any rate, had no real love for Grimm’s 2010 opponent, Congressman Mike McMahon, having preferred his own creation, Assemblyman Michael Cusick).


But the killer is Grimm's quote, questioning why Weiner didn’t make his concerns public in 2010 amid Grimm’s run for Congress:


 “It’s preposterous to think that Anthony Weiner and the Democratic Party would not have used this to save this seat,”


As Grimm well knows, it was the Democrats' ham-fisted efforts to do just that which may have accounted for his margin of victory. Guy: Chuck the Grimm ripper




Hakeem Jeffries attacks Ed Towns on trade and gets it wrong.


As I noted during Towns' 2006 race against Charles Barron, Town  did not support NAFTA:

Take the issue largely responsible for this primary, Towns’ support for the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). As a Thomas Friedman reading, Bill Clinton Democrat aware of the roots of Clinton’s eight straight years of economic growth, I find opposition to Towns based on this issue to be somewhat vexing. I would normally oppose Towns for any reason, or no reason at all, but not for this reason. Why cannot organized labor understand that trade barriers are ultimately counterproductive? Has anyone who supports protectionism ever read a history of the depression? The names Smoot and Hawley should live in infamy alongside those of Taft and Hartley. Sadly, Labor does not need to beat Towns to win this race; all they need to do is prove that anyone who defies them buys themselves a well-financed primary opponent. Most members of Congress are risk adverse and will draw the obvious conclusion. Ironically, while many Democratic members of Congress courageously supported Clinton on NAFTA, Ed Towns was not among them. A Google search indicates that his voting record is 70% anti-free trade. So, one must assume that, on CAFTA, Towns traded his vote, one time only, without regard to any big picture." In Accepting CWA Nod, Jeffries Calls Towns “Counterproductive” On Labor Issues




Carolyn Maloney thinks Reshma Saujani’s found her true calling rising money for others. I would have to agree. Carolyn Maloney On Obama’s New York Visit And Reshma Saujani’s Fundraiser




Jack Mac takes aim at the Assembly Dems' real enemy. McEneny Takes Aim At Senate Minority





David Storobin is being disingenuous saying tuition vouchers would be funded by additional revenue streams, and implying this would not hurt public schools, since the number of children would just shift elsewhere.


Since most of the beneficiaries would already be using private schools, what he is proposing is a massive cut in school funding, but he lacks the integrity to say so.

Unless he proposes a different funding stream, this is not a conservative proposal–it is a radical and dangerous proposal. Storobin Supports State Legislature Term Limits, Funding Vouchers With Existing Revenue Streams | Sh




Oh, my bad–when Brooklyn GOP Law Chair Gene Berardelli said: “With due respect, if Lew Fidler is too sick to attend a local debate, I fear he may be too sick to represent us in Albany. We see the results of the strain of a campaign. I worry that the strain of traveling back and forth and the hectic schedule of a state senator may be a risk he shouldn't expose himself and his family to," he was only thinking of Fidler and his family, and was not trying to raise Fidler's health as a campaign issue.




I don’t mind an honest right winger (like, say, Brooklyn Tea Party and Jews for Morality leader Joseph Hayon), but I do despise a liar.   

Gene says "You see, in [Gatemouth's] distorted world view – politicos like him and me are incapable of showing any concern for another. We don’t relate with each other on any levels other than partisan. Friendships are temporary, and of convenience only. Feelings are never involved, unless they're laced with hate and vitriol. Advancement and gaining position are all that matter. No quarter given. No mercy."


This falsehood is so glaring that I expect Berardelli’s nose to grow to a larger size than his man-boobs.


For starters, Gene neglects to mention that, in the same item (!!!) I commended Hayon (another supporter of Fidler’s opponent) for his sincere concern for Fidler and contrasted him favorably with Berardelli–something Gene prevents his reader (not a typo) from learning by refusing to link it. Gene also neglects to mention that my column from the day before also commended Hayon’s response and is even subtitled ”Class in Unexpected Places Edition” in Hayon’s honor.


But, the really monumental thing about Gene’s BS is that it is coming from the Brooklyn Republican Party’s Law Chair.


Unless Gene is an imbecile, or is totally bereft of any knowledge of the area of law he supervises from his Party position (both of which are unlikely, but not inconceivable), he is aware that the only way Fidler could leave this race would be to move out of the district—something which, if Fidler really is too sick to hold office, he is unlikely to be able to accomplish in the 16 days before the election (and something which would likely impact negatively the family Gene expresses so much concern for).


So what Gene is really suggesting is that Fidler drop out of the campaign and leave the Democrats with no way to contest the election.


As the Church Lady would say, “How convenient!”


Obviously Gene’s sympathy for Fidler is strong. So strong that he thinks it is more important than democracy itself.


Next, one might want to question where Gene learnt his manners, since the way one expresses sympathy is through cards and other communications (Fidler has been answering his email and seems to be looking at Facebook), and possibly prayers.


Perhaps Gene could have sent Fidler a sympathetic note communicating this thought without being thought gauche (at least by the general public).


However, civilized people do not express sympathy for a sick politician by suggesting in a letter to the editor that they consider dropping out of an election at a point where it is virtually impossible for them to do so.


Fidler had the misfortune to have a severe, but temporary, allergic reaction during a campaign –the consequences of such can be quite grave for a time, but they do not tend to be permanent. Those, like Gene, trying to make this a campaign issue, while pretending not to, are doing no service to their candidate, the community or democracy.


One final note.


During the article linked below, Gene writes movingly of his father’s health problems and seemingly dares me to comment, so here goes:


Can someone please give me the name of Gene’s dad so I can say a prayer when I am in shul Wednesday night? liberal-bloggers.html#more Top of Form




Dr. Steve Katz, the veterinarian/Assemblyman has the best match of name and profession since the famous urologist, Dr. Thomas Wiswell.


Katz who just recently revealed his arrest for putting a dead dog in a dumpster (because it was stinking up his vehicle), would seem to be a true Romney Republican, so why didn't he just tie the dog to the roof of his car?  Veterinarian Assemblyman Was Arrested For Putting Dead Dog In Dumpster | City and State a dumpster, www.cityandstateny.comin

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