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Dybbuk (age nine): “All boys attack, attack attack, and then claim they were only joking, but even I wouldn't do it on a radio show.”




Apostate conservative Frum gets it dead on–there is no moral equivalent of Limbaugh on the left of center (and I say this as someone who's dissed most of the pretenders to that non-existent throne). Are we being fair to Rush Limbaugh? –




Limbaugh represent the moderate wing of the right. Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at Sandra Fluke: 'Banging It Five Times a Day'




Ex-cel-lent.” Mad: The Idiotical » Blog Archive » Who Said It? Mitt Romney or Mr. Burns?




Pod: “Democracy has gone on long enough!” Stop the madness!




Even though I probably wouldn't vote for this women if you put a gun to my head, I have to say that it appears the wrong Santorum may be running for President. 'Snob' control: Karen Santorum guides husband on gaffe – Carrie Budoff Brown




I think I'm with Ray Kelly on intelligence gathering, but I also think it's healthy for him to know that he's being watched. Peter King Slams ‘Left Wing Rumormongers’ In Media For Criticizing NYPD’s Treatment of Muslims




Does Peter King also think that the Son of Erin should be thankful for "No Irish Need Apply?"


Anyway, last I checked, not one inch of NYC was in King’s district.

Peter King Says Minorities Should Be Thankful For Stop And Frisk




Like any good magician, the State Senate Republicans create a diversion to keep you from seeing what's really going on. Redistrict plan gets redrawn




David Storobin celebrates an election victory (hopefully, the last one this year). WNYC News – Putin Claims Russian Election Victory




Interesting article, although the matter of incumbent entrenchment is probably no more applicable to minority areas than white ones. The three areas of Brooklyn I've lived in have white incumbents dating back to 1981, 1985, and 1996 (more recent, but only thanks to cancer).

I would be remiss if I didn't highlight this whopper:

"L. Joy Williams, a Brooklyn political consultant who also wanted to run for Robinson’s seat, said the lack of opportunity for people like her had everything to do with the limited number of districts in which Brooklyn’s African-Americans can run—not the old guard’s reluctance ever to retire.


 “It’s not about the old guard,” she said. “It’s about the limited leadership opportunities for people of color.'”


Sorry, L Joy, but there is not a level of government where the percentage of black-non Hispanic majority districts in Brooklyn does not exceed the percentage of Brooklyn's black-non Hispanic population (in the Senate and Congress quite significantly).


Also perhaps a little shocking (though not to anyone who’s been paying careful attention), is “reformer” Chris Owens' nostalgia for the days when the black establishment could eliminate primary challenges by fiat. Brooklyn’s aging black leadership faces new challengers





I'm almost nostalgic for the days when my name was a curse word in progressive circles.

Brooklyn GOP radio conducts a poll on whether their "Buffoon of the Week Award" should be named for my real life identity.

Vote YES!


Their indictment:


1) I said that blogger Gene Berardelli’s call in a public forum

for a Democratic candidate to step aside (because he had an allergic reaction) was politically motivated, when Beradelli claims he was only concerned for the poor Democrat's health (After all, that show so much more thought than sending a card).


2) I pointed out that since the blogger was an election lawyer, he knew the Democrat could not legally drop out without uprooting his family (who the blogger was allegedly so concerned about) in the next two weeks–and that therefore, the blogger's calling for such an impossibility was purely to put the matter before the public and make it an issue in the race.


3) He implies I'm a homosexual.


4) He accuses me of bad spelling, using the name of a blues singer and quoting an Elvis Costello lyric.


Finally, Gene tells the truth about something. Their indictment:

1) I said that their blogger's call in a public forum for a Democratic candidate to step aside (because he had an allergic reaction) was politically motivated, when he claims he was only concerned for the poor Democrat's health.

2) I pointed out that since the blogger was an election lawyer, he knew the Democrat could not legally drop out without uprooting his family (who the blogger was allegedly so concerned about) in the next two weeks–and that therefore, the blogger's calling for such an impossibility was purely to put the matter before the public and make it an issue in the race.

3) He implies I'm a homosexual.

4) He accuses me of bad spelling, using the of a blues singer and quoting an Elvis Costello lyric. Finally, he tell the truth about something.Brooklyn GOP Radio: What's A "Eunich" And Other Buffoonery




A rival GOP blogger postulates a theory as to why I was "chosen.”




Can you imagine what Gene Beradelli is thinking about this?

"With due respect, if Steve Cymbrowitz is sick enough to suffer a stroke, I fear he may be too sick to represent us in Albany. We see the results of the strain of office. I worry that the continued strain of traveling back and forth and the hectic schedule of a state Assemblyman may be a risk he shouldn't expose himself and his family to. I wish him luck on his continuing recovery and best wishes to his family." Cymbrowitz: The Story Of My Stroke, And What You Need To Know To Survive | Sheepshead Bay News Blog