The Gateway (IND Endorsement Edition) [Expanded]

The big news from tonight's meeting of the 52nd AD's Independent Neighborhood Democrats (IND) was that Nydia Velazquez managed to hang onto the club's support, winning 62 votes to a combined (I think ) 54 for "No Endorsement" and Erik Dilan (who, in a sign of the club's deterioration, appeared on the ballot as "State Senator Martin Dilan").

Nydia, clearly hurt by what she saw as a betrayal by the Scotto faction opposing her, who'd she'd been helpful to for years, was on fire, recalling each and every favor she's done for each of the faction's individual members (and earning herself a hug from one of them).


Erik Dilan actually did better than I expected, in that he actually knew who Assad was. But his speech, which called for balanced budgets, while promising to protect Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, could have come out of the mouth of Bob Turner.


It was clear to see why the Scotto faction felt more comfortable voting not to endorse at all. (And by “voting,” I mean that is all they did. All through the evening, limos would arrive at the meeting site, dropping off blue-haired ladies and Snooki look-alikes, who would then pile back into the limo, which would return to the Funeral Home to pick up another shipment). 


Hakeem Jeffries was clearly the favorite of all factions, but concerns that his candidacy might help Charles Barron were allayed by Barron himself, who said Jeffries was there to split the anti-Towns vote in order to beat Barron.


"That's good enough for me" said one reluctant Jeffries supporter.


Asked about DOMA, Barron said, "I'll be straight with you." (Perhaps not the best choice of words, but more accurate than Barron realized).


A vote to endorse Assemblywoman Joan Millman by acclamation saved her from having to answer any questions about how she voted on reapportionment.


Most ill-advised Piece of literature to give out to a white audience: Sylvia Kinard.


I'll just quote the first and last paragraphs"

"Rev. Sylvia Gail Kinard, Esq. is a well-respected attorney, entrepreneur and community leader. Her demeanor is one of confidence and grace. She has distinguished herself as an expert in faith based community development, and advocate for the formerly incarcerated and for expanding small business opportunities for women and children….

…An entrepreneur and writer, she is the owner of Sheya Hair and Beauty

Products and a family business, Imani Entertainment, which develops children's and family friendly entertainment products. She resides in Brooklyn, New York with her daughter –Kellie Alexis. "


This is surely the ticket for uniting otherwise contentious left liberals and Italian Catholics onto the same side.


Kinard also had a wonderful answer for why she worked for Republican

George Pataki: "He offered me a good job"


What was Billy Thompson thinking when he married this woman?


And how did she end up with the armoire?


According to Sylvia's lit, she worked for the "New York City Counsel (sic)."


Apparently she worked under her opponent's mom, Una Clarke, a fellow supporter of George Pataki.





A guy voted out of a ranking membership by his own party makes the case that seniority matters, when his no longer does. Ed Towns: Issa’s Foreclosure Hearing in Brooklyn Shows Why Seniority Matters | City and State





After months of worrying about having a seat at all, Gary Ackerman's strongest potential primary opponent drops out and endorses him, and Ackerman responds by dropping out himself.

Ackerman may be giving up his seat, but his puckish sense of humor is clearly intact. Gary Ackerman to Not Seek Reelection



I'm not the biggest fan of Maxine Waters, whose unhinged rhetoric and ethical issues make her an uncomfortable choice the lead the Financial Services Committee, but if I were Carolyn Maloney, I'd tell Wall Street to go fuck itself when they come asking her to go into battle with Waters as their white (perhaps not the best choice of words) horse.  

For years, Carolyn Maloney carefully watched out for Wall Street’s interests (which were also those of her districts), only to have to endure a primary because, out of hurbris, Wall Street thought it would replace her with one of their own, who would never tell what they didn't wanted to (but need to hear). Maloney beat their panties off.  
Maloney should just laugh in the faces.for Wall Strrets interests (which were also those of her dictricts), only to have to endure a primary because, out of hurbir, Wall strret thought it would replace he rwith one of their own, who would never tell what they didn't wanted to (but need to hear). Maloney beat their panties off.

Maloney should just laugh in the faces.  
Waters Rising: Financiers Fear Rough Treatment From L.A. Rep; Maloney To The Rescue?





Senator, you're disappointed about the vote on Tier Six? 


Not as disappointed as we are with your vote on reapportionment.


Diane J. Savino: i am incredibly disappointed at the results of the vote early this morning on a new retirement plan for workers. first, it saves almost nothing, second, it is not reform, third, it will diminish benefits and deter recruitment, and finally, it was shoved down people's throats in the dead of night, in the middle of sunshine week!!

The Assembly vote on redistricting: those wondering about the "reform credentials of our City delgation should note this is the entirety of the "No" votes from our metropolis: Barron, Camara, Crespo < Gibson, Jeffries, Kavanagh, Kellner Rodrigues, Rosenthal, Simotas, Stevenson, Titone, Titus and Weprin.

Of special note: both Republicans voted "Yes" (???!!!???)

Facebook fun:

Gatemouth: Redistricting passes the Senate with four Dem votes as Klavino feeds democracy to its pet iguana (actually one less Dem vote than I predicted, since I though they had Ruby D as well—but remember my prediction in the unlikley event there's a veto)

Senate Democrats Stage Walk Out Over Redistricting

Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky likes this..

(Her brother voted "Yes")