The Gateway (I Am the Prospect Park Blogger Edition)

So, Obama lived around the corner from Chuck Schumer and four blocks away from Anthony Weiner (and a block of so from where Domestic Partner lived when, at that time, she had first arrived in the country).  

Was there any interaction?

Obama in NYC previously seemed to have left fingerprints in invisible ink–in 2008, Ben Smith and I tried to follow up a 2008 reference to Obama having worked in a 1984 primary for State Assembly in Brooklyn, but neither of us could find out which campaign or anyone who had ever met him.

So now I'm trying again' anyone with any info about young Barry? Brooklyn Brownstone Lays Claim to a Younger Obama     




This is one more example of the delusional (or despicable, if you give them credit for knowing better) GOP tendency to pretend that history began the day before yesterday and the public is afflicted with Alzheimer's.

Guys, Obama isn't “spiking the football;” he's merely saying "Mission Accomplished."

Now go fuck yourselves. Brooklyn GOP Radio: Heroes Don't Spike the Football     




When no one cares anymore, stuff happens.  Ron Paul wins the Louisiana GOP caucuses, and Obama blows three delegates to a left protest candidate who, a la Jonathan Tasini, got most of his votes from right wingers. Now they're trying to take away the guy’s delegates, which is just a pathetic sign of weakness. The Democratic delegates who slipped away from Obama    




This might be the most stunning piece of Romney hypocrisy of all time, if it weren't for all the others.     

Chait: "As gay Republicans go, Grenell was a Republicans’ gay Republican. He liked to tweet out vicious misogynistic comments about Democratic women. One reporter called him “the most deceptive press person I’ve ever dealt with,” and Ari Fleischer called him “a consummate professional,” which essentially confirms the charge. All this is to say, if Richard Grenell couldn’t muster the tribal solidarity needed to maintain the trust of Republican conservatives, then presumably no gay person can, at least yet. 

The imbroglio also shows that Romney remains beholden to his base — that he is, or feels, unable to weather even modest levels of heat over what was a purely policy-free concession to the center. Romney just isn’t going to be able to anger any portion of the Republican coalition."

Translation of Romney's Message:  He may be a faggot, but he's our faggot; but that doesn't matter, cause he's still a faggot. Gay Romney Spokesman Resigns   




Gay Republicans raise money to finance vicious campaigns of anti-gay hatred. Log Cabin Republicans Raise For Skelos, Senate GOP    




I never would have guessed that Assemblywoman Malliotakis really cared all that much about testicles Nicole Malliotakis’ Opponent Doesn’t Want to Talk About Fake Dog Testicles     




This story (and a similar One about Danny Squadron) beg the question: how can anyone take the State Senate Democrats seriously when they refuse to do so themselves? In “Protest,” Kevin Parker Votes Against Bill He Supports | City & State    




I will not comment on anything to do with the pending Fidler/Storobin court case, but I will say something about the math.

There are 117 ballots currently being argued over. If they are counted and all have valid votes for the two candidates on the ballot, then Storobin will need 103 of them to win (88%). Lew Fidler Surges to 90 Vote Lead as Fraud Lawsuit Looms in Court   




Gatemouth (3/25/2011): In the Senate things get even more creative.  

The Assembly’s 150 seats are set by the State Constitution. The Constitution sets the number of Senate seats by a formula which can no longer be applied as written because of intervening Court decisions.  

As a result, there are two competing constitutionally permissible methods of interpreting that formula.  

Only three people in the State of New York understand exactly how these competing methods work, and one of them has retired and spends his time attending the opera and sending me notes about proof-reading errors in my columns.  

The Courts have deferred to the legislature, meaning they’ve deferred to the Senate, in interpreting that formula.  

The Senate has changed its interpretation every ten years, depending upon how many seats best suits its political needs.  

In the last three reapportionments we’ve gone from 60 seats to 62, using different formulas in different years.  

No one knows what the Senate’s magical mathematical alchemist will determine is the correct formula next year, but we do know that if the Courts follow past precedent, they will likely just throw up their hands, when throwing up their guts would be a more appropriate result. Court Of Appeals: 63rd Senate Seat Constitutional    




Andrew Hawkins: Segal apologized for his actions, but Rodriguez, who said he was blind-sided by the report, fired him.

Segal: I had and continue to have a firm belief that the war in Iraq is unjust. I have a strong set of values based on social justice…I apologize to anyone I might have disappointed and to those who might not agree with my past.

MEMO TO HAWKINS: Andrew, please tell me exactly where in that sentence

David Segal says anything indicating that he apologizes for his actions Segal has yet to apologize for his actions  

Where does Segal say that "what I did was wrong" ? 

Segal apologizes only for being offensive and disappointing, and apologizes for those things only to those who found him to be offensive and/or disappointing.

Nowhere does Segal indicate that he considers an act of arson to be objectionable on any basis other than for its being ineffective politics. 

Apologizing to those who may have taken offense, for your inadvertent sin of having caused that offense, is not the same as admitting that what you did, which caused that offense, was dead wrong. Quinn advised Rodriguez on re-hiring of "terrorist" aide     




Celeste Katz: Update: Our Reuven Blau points out an interesting tidbit to me: Rodriguez is a sponsor of a Council resolution in support of the state creating a rehabilitation program to assist non-violent felony offenders in reintegrating successfully into society.

Memo to Celeste and Reuven: Arson is not a non-violent crime. David Segal, You're Fired And Rehired And Fired    




Moskowitz for Mayor?

I know 101 Dalmatians who may beg to differ. Republicans take a look at Eva Moskowitz, and she looks right back | Capital New York