The Gateway (Get Outta Towns Edition)

Ed Towns endorses Charles Barron.

One might understand this as spite, but Charles Barron hates hates hates Ed Towns so much that last year Barron’s wife voted for Vito Lopez's candidate for an open District Leadership just to slap ET one upside the face.

So, what we are left with is a man who is trying to protect his mediocre legacy by attempting to make sure it shines in comparison to the repugnancy he's endorsed to be his successor.  

My kingdom for a cup of Slivovitz. Ed Towns to Officially Endorse Charles Barron   




And btw, Room 8 scooped them all on the Barron/Towns story. Congrats to Mary Alice Miller, who also made her debut Friday on NY-One.  

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Errol to invite Gatey on.  

Actually, I invite Gene Berardelli to hold his breath if he likes.    




Orthodox Pundit mistakes Mary Alice Miller for me.

I know I used to masquerade as a half-black bi-sexual male from Texas, but I never claimed to be a black heterosexual feminist from Brooklyn.  

In the same article OP names the contenders for the preposterous GOP contest to pick the loser to run against Helene Weinstein:  

Gene Berardelli v Joseph Hayon.

Reminds me of the old Jack Benny joke about "your money or your life"

[Long Pause as audience laughter builds] 

Gate: "I'm thinking!"

Actually, Berardelli once bought me a beer (though he scowled about it), but Hayon promises to buy me a kugel for lunch next Sunday morning.

I await the dinner invite from Helene.!/2012/06/retaliation-hayon-face-republican.html Orthodox Pundit: News & Political Analysis   




Simcha Felder's explanation for his 2008 support of Obama reminds me of when Chico Marx was caught by his wife French kissing another woman and explained "I was only whispering in her mouth." Simcha Felder: I Backed Obama Only To Help McCain | City & State     




Rumor De Weekend: Civil Court Judge Noach Dear is said to telling Senate Democrats he's willing to run in the Super-Jewsday primary against Simcha Felder, promising that, if he wins, he would conference with the Dems under any and all circumstances.

Despite the fact that Felder's credibility, at least when making excuses for past endorsements, has taken something of a recent nosedive, those wanting to put their faith in the Democratic Party loyalty of Noach Dear  (who's run several general election races against Democrats on the GOP line), are advised that there may be safer bets on which to place the mortgage place.   

I myself prefer professional wrestling.   




Erik Dilan explains why there is strife in the Middle East:

“[Nydia Velazquez's] inaction as a US representative has inadvertently exacerbated the decades long struggle in Israel and the region.”

Even if one thinks that Velazquez is insufficiently pro-Israel, this has got to rank as the stupidest comment made on the matter since UN Ambassador Warren Robinson Austin said "The Jews and Arabs should sit down and settle their differences like good Christians." Big boost for Nydia    




Warning to Nydia; in 2008, Shelly Silver also did a press conference endorsing Marty Connor.

I won't describe in detail subsequent events, but Grand Street District Leader David Weinberger's wife Hedy went from Connor's payroll to Dan Squadron's without missing a day of work, and Connor hasn’t spoken to Shelly since the 2008 primary, despite multiple attempts to bury the hatchet. Schumer, Silver, Nadler to Endorse Velázquez, Rebuffing Anti-Zionist Charges    




Charlie Rangel may very well have a point about the process issues underlying his censure.  

But Rangel signed a statement admitting to most of the allegations, so while he might deserve a chance to re-argue his case in the kangaroo court that is Congress, we need not give him a new trial in the Court of Public Opinion, where he remains guilty as charged. Rangel Challenges Proceedings That Led to His Censure    




Charlie Rangel pulls a Madeline Albright. Rangel will get a lifetime achievement award for people of Puerto Rican descent | Capital New York    




I thought of reminding people that Tom Duane's the guy who gave us Christine Quinn, but I was afraid people would complain that it was rude to say something like that when a good man retires. Sen. Duane Retiring  




Few applauded when Joe Hynes was introduced at the Jewish Poverty breakfast.  

Hynes must be doing something right.

The real Jewish poverty is the despicable complacency of those who think there is an alternative means of dealing with child molesting that does not involve law enforcement.

Certain Rabbis had better learn that it is not the consenting adult same sex couples who are the moral equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The moral equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah are child molesters and the Rabbis who protect them. Twitter / reidpillifant: Not much applause for BK D   




With Lew Fidler’s loss leaving no Council vacancy, Frank Seddio postpones his Council run to the 2013 primary.  

The advantage for Seddio in a special election was that white Republicans could vote that for him too.

The disadvantage was that a white Republican could have split his vote. 

Some have said that, as an incumbent, Seddio'd be in a better position to protect the seat in reapportionment.  

But truthfully, as his Assemblyman, Alan Maisel, could tell him, there's only so much a white incumbent representing Canarsie can do about the Voting Rights Act.  

And anyway, incumbent or not, Vito Lopez will ensure that whatever can be done to protect Seddio will be done, incumbent or not. Wall Photos By: Frank Seddio for City Council   




Gail Collins finds better reasons to dislike John Edwards than either the prosecutors or the gossip columnists could come up with. John Edwards and the Shrimp    




Now here's a truly esoteric concern: where in Texas did Ron Paul get his votes.

Not so surprising answer: he did best in his own district. House, Senate & Governor Races, 2012 Election – Charlie Mahtesian   




This item is four days old. When I finally saw it, I decided I had to link it, so that someone would finally notice. Buddy Roemer quits 2012 race   




Kinsley cleverly breaks down the politics of military intervention. One Simple Rule for U.S. Military Intervention  




I think that my friends on the Zionist right and anti-Israel left, and even some of my colleagues among liberal Zionists may be surprised, but my only qualm about unilateral withdrawal by the Israelis is whether it would work.

 Michael Koplow makes the case that it would, and it is a damned good one  My sympathies peace_a_chance.html).

Here's what I said in 2006: " Up until recently, it looked as if the Israeli’s had taken the Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections as a sign that there was no partner for negotiations. The question became whether one wanted to expend their blood and treasure defending borders quarantined behind a fence, or defending settlements of little strategic value. In their own election, the Israelis chose the former. The attrition from the 47 partition to the 48 state to Oslo and now the fence continued apace, with the Palestinian homeland shrinking bit by bit with each new rejection as the Palestinians continue to refuse to take “yes” for an answer, but always act shocked when the answer changed to “no”. But what’s left of the homeland is obviously still not small enough for Hamas…"

With new settlements, many rogue still preceding apace, the time for a two state solution is running out, and that would be the death of Israel. Those who argue against this may be right, but I have yet to hear any better ideas. are along the same lines:  Here's what I said in 2006:  "Up until recently, it looked as if the Israeli’s had taken the Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections as a sign that there was no partner for negotiations. The question became whether one wanted to expend their blood and treasure defending borders quarantined behind a fence, or defending settlements of little strategic value. In their own election, the Israelis chose the former. The attrition from the 47 partition to the 48 state to Oslo and now the fence continued apace, with the Palestinian homeland shrinking bit by bit with each new rejection as the Palestinians continue to refuse to take “yes” for an answer, but always act shocked when the answer changed to “no”. But what’s left of the homeland is obviously still not small enough for Hamas…" With new settlements, many of them rogue, still proceeding apace, the time for a two state solution is running out, and that would be the death of Israel. Those who argue against unilateral withdrawal may be right, but I have yet to hear any better ideas. Not All Unilateral Withdrawals Are Created Equal




More discussion about Kevin Williamson' s stinking pack of lies claiming that the present day party of Jefferson Davis and John Wilkes Booth (the GOP) is still the Party of Lincoln. Fables, Continued    




No one would ever expect respectable pillars of establishmentarian middlethink like Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein to come up with such a refreshing slap of truth embodied in the most cogent title of all times, but they have.

Someone should take Thomas Friedman and the money people from "Americans Elect" and "No Labels" and attach jumper cable to their gonads and make them read this article over and over while administering them high voltage shocks until they assimilate the simple truths within and abandon their delusions that the fault lies on both sides. Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.    

Bubbe Marishka: I don't know why he apologizes. Poles killed Jews. There was a pogrom in Kielce after the war, it wasn't the only one, and most everybody left the country afterwards.

In 68, after they expelled all the Jews from the Party, they wanted me to appear on TV and tell everyone how Poles saved my life. I told the truth. Poles saved me and my cousin. And Poles also informed on my mother and sisters' hiding places to the Gestapo. My sister who was 12 never saw 13.  

I don’t know why, but they never ran the film. Obama Regrets Inadvertant Gaffe