The Gateway (Justin Brannan Edition)

Non-story of the day: self-serving publicity seeking political ambulance chasers disrupted by rude uncouth louts. Bob Turner’s Patriotic Anti-Bieber Protest Turns Chaotic in Coney Island [Video]



Normally, Bob Turner and Wendy Long do not really give rise to the word "subtle," but the GOP Senate primary is really all about subtle distinction.

Take same sex marriage.

Bob Turner opposes it, but would not only attend one, but film it and then invite the couple to have their first spat on the Springer Show.

Long wouldn't go to the wedding, but would leave whether it took place to the states, and would fight for a flat tax, so that marital status would have less impact.

Maragos would ban it nationwide while still taking support from Republican closet cases who vote no while helping it to pass. Wendy Long Would Refuse to Attend A Gay Wedding    

So, the Conservative Party opposes decriminalizing weed, but thinks it can make Wendy Long the US Senator.

When it comes to smokes of choice, they obviously prefer crack to pot. Long: Pot Vote Could Hurt GOP With Conservatives   

Wow–someone has bigger balls than Rory Lancman. Wesley Warren Jr. shies away from surgery to fix his gigantic, 100 lbs. scrotum
I will now posit a revised theory of the Mittman candidacy:

Mittman is running an actual race. It is silly to the point of being preposterous and he cannot win, but he will do some damage.

Initially, I thought that maybe Jimmy Meng had gotten four friends who'd maxed out to Grace to max out to Mittman as well. But now, I suspect it's more like Ron Lauder, a rich fool put into the race by others who got convinced him that he can win.

I still suspect the others include Jeff Gottlieb.
It now seems clear the only money involved is Mittman’s own, and it is clear that Mittman is delusional.

But, it is also clear that Mittman’s efforts will involve more than just putting another Jewish name on the ballot. I suspect those running Mittman’s campaign have targeted their efforts to the same base as Lancman's and that the goal is the same as it ever was. Robert Mittman’s Campaign Pitch: ‘I Am A Medical Doctor’ [Video] 

Someone finally notices Craig Schley.
City and State complains about the cost of an extra election.

It seems like only a few months ago when, Morgan Pehme,  the guy who is now their editor was whining that the effort to hold only one primary was an evil plot by Vito Lopez. Extra Election This Year Will Cost NYC $23 million, IBO Says


Joe the Plumber blames the Armenian Holocausts of Gun Control.

David Storobin is outraged: "How can gun control have caused something which never occurred."

Spoiler alert: Storobin didn't actually say that, but he believes it. ‘Joe The Plumber’s’ Spokesman Explains His Holocaust Theories: ‘Joe Is A Student Of History’




Coldblooded heartless bastard award.   

Another Romney whopper (part 976)

A 33 Page Form To Change Your Address? Ctd  




Can't we all just get along.” 9/11 slight fight    




OK, will the Craig Eaton wing of the Brooklyn GOP finally stop complaining about Justin Brannan's lyrics? A story behind a soldier's tattoo | Capital New York