The Gateway (Reyna Terror Edition)

Scariest picture of the campaign season becomes the campaign season's funniest mailing.  Jeffries Slams Barron’s Legislative Plans In Mailer | City & State  

I wrote this item and posted it of my Facebook page before I wrote yesterday’s column, which in passing, makes some of the same points.

I include it here because I want to drill those points home.  

Thursday night, I attended a party where Councilwoman Diana Reyna and I discussed my blog, which she had never read.

I told her she would mostly like it, but not always.

This is one of those times.   

Sometime between our pleasant conversation at the party and publication of this column, the Councilwoman announced she was supporting Charles Barron for Congress. 

Ms. Reyna, supporting candidates based upon their alliances, rather than based upon their qualifications or positions, is what is wrong with your enemy Vito Lopez.

One does not improve the world by being Vito Lopez's mirror image, doing the same exact thing as him in reverse.

One improves the world by being different.  

Ask you buddy, and fellow Lopez adversary, Lincoln Restler.

Lincoln Restler endorsed Hakeem Jeffries in spite of Hakeem's alliance with Lopez–because it was the right thing to do.

Ms. Reyna; you have profoundly disgraced yourself.

Please call me to make an appointment for your over- the-knee punishment spanking.

I will refrain from offering to administer the same punishment to the Sierra Club’s Irene Van Slyke, a longtime arbiter of what passes for political correction in Brownstone Brooklyn “progressive” circles. 

There are only so many sacrifices one can make for even the best of causes.  

Could anything define parochial idiocy better than a so-called "progressive" who thinks Atlantic Yards is more important than same sex marriage. 

Wow, she has something in common with Bruce Ratner besides being utterly repugnant. Barron announces endorsements from two City Council members, and the Sierra Club | Capital New York    

Dr. Mittman comes out of the closet as a social conservative.  

How convenient that he makes a pitch targeted to Orthodox Jews, who might otherwise support Rory Lancman and conservative Catholics who might otherwise support Elizabeth Crowley.  

Anyone see any Mittman literature in Mandarin or Korean?

Meanwhile, Ruben Diaz Sr. endorses Erik Dilan with a statement which creates the impression that Dilan opposes same sex marriage and abortion and favors school prayer. 

There can be no other conclusion one could make from the context: 

Rev Ruby: Both Espaillat and Rangel are in favor of gay marriage and abortion. Both are also in favor of the Dream Act, immigrants, better education, affordable housing, and good job opportunities. Because of their positions on gay marriage and abortion, I will not support either candidate.

In the Brooklyn and Queens 7th Congressional District, New York City Council Member Erik Martin Dilan is hoping to defeat the ultra-liberal Nydia Velázquez.  Nydia has always distinguished herself as supporting gay marriage and abortion and opposing biblical readings in public school.

Erik Martin Dilan is a young moderate, and as the Chair of the New York City Council Committee on Housing, and has fought hard for better and affordable housing for all people.  I am asking all of my friends to come out and support Erik Martin Dilan! 

Did Erik Dilan pull “an Espinal” on Rev Ruby? Dilan is pro-same sex marriage (his dad voted for it twice) and appears to be pro-choice as well.   

Can someone in the press ask him and/or Ruben Diaz to clear this up? Robert Mittman Lands An Endorsement! | City & State      




Unless it comes from David Duke, getting an endorsement is always flattering, but making this one into  a press release is surely an act of desperation. Room Eight Blogger, Gatemouth, Endorses Mike Scala for Congress | PRLog



Contrary to "Queens Politics," Toby Stavisky’s allowing her name to be used on Tony Avella's vacancy committee does not "reveal how thinly veiled her roots are in the Asian neighborhoods of District 16."

Rather, it reveals she was classy enough to allow Avella to use her name in a district where she currently represents a good portion of the voters (and where she’d probably prefer to be running).

"Who's Avella?" says the voter to the petitioner at her door, "My Senator is Toby; she's great. It’s like having another grandmother."

"Yes", says the petitioner, "and she's supporting Tony; look, her name's right here."

She served only when her service was expediant (sic)    



Nice obit for Ed Costikyan, an important NYC political player, although it leaves out his books.  

I especially like "Behind Closed Doors" which includes the tale of how the "reformers" (led by "reform" heroes Bill Ryan and Franz Leichter) nearly stole a State Senate nomination for the Harlem/West Side seat by the use of forged proxies at a County Committee meeting.  

The "reform" candidate was a dry cleaner/bookie; the "hacks", led by Costikyan ran Constance Baker Motley, a prominent civil rights attorney later to become the first female Borough President and the first black female Federal Judge. Edward N. Costikyan, Adviser to New York Politicians, Is Dead at 87.

All the details about the results in the election for the North American seat in the French National Assembly.  

All the details, except for the one I wanted—did she carry Cobble Hill/Carroll Gardens? French Elect New Yorker to National Assembly    

Last night Bill Maher opined about the President's failure to sell his health care plan to a public which favors most of its provisions.

Fair enough, but then he compared Obama's failure unfavorably to what Bill Clinton would have done.

Has Maher not noticed which of these Presidents actually passed a health care plan?

Cracker Progress: In 50 years Mississippi's unofficial state symbol has evolved from a burning cross to a bloody coat hanger.  Mississippi’s Only Abortion Clinic Is at Risk as New Law Nears.
David Blankenhorn's switch on same sex marriage begs the question of whether any serious opposition not based upon religion will survive as a force in our public discourse.
Is there still a serious non-religious argument to be made against same sex marriage?

Blankenhorn: I opposed gay marriage believing that children have the right, insofar as society makes it possible, to know and to be cared for by the two parents who brought them into this world… 

The Times notes Blankenhorn "long hoped the debate over same-sex marriage would center on parenthood…" 

And therein lies the rub (perhaps not the best choice of words). It is precisely because of the number of two-parent families which exist wihout benefit of—and, more to the point— without the benefits of marriage, that changing who is allowed to get married has become so imperative.

Even with his change of heart, Blankenhorn fails to understand that his best argument against same sex marriage is actually the best argument for it.  Gay Marriage Gains Backer as Major Foe Revises Views.