The Gateway (Mindy-PajJooza Edition)

Where the Mayor goes for accurate info:

An excerpt from a discussion with the Mayor's Press Secretary, after a friendship request followed my mention of his lovely wife.

Stu Loeser: I read it [the blog] from time to time…
Gate: is this what Bloomie pays you for?

Stu Loeser: Is what? Knowing what's going on? Yes. On Monday when the Mayor was reading stories from weekend papers in the truck that he had previously skipped< I explained the problems with the Post's Noach Dear story based on your post.   







Somewhere Dan Halloran is sacrificing a fatted oxen while chanting "Praise the Lords and pass the lichee nuts!"

If you think Grace Meng had a bad day, think about how Rory Lancman is feeling right now. Jimmy Meng Arrested On Fraud Charges 




Coca Cola: The Final Solution Halloran: When they came for the cigarettes, I didn't say anything, because I didn't smoke…When they came for the M.S.G., I didn't say anything because I don't eat it very often.

Last year, when Brad Lander was attacked for using a Niemoller analogy in reference to Library cuts, I defended him saying:  

"The lessons of Pastor Niemoller did derive from the Holocaust, but the lesson has far greater application.
If we are barred from telling people to empathize with others lest they be next, because we are afraid of being called demagogues, then our society will be deprived of its best anecdote in the service of caring about others.

And that would be an atrocity."

But if one is going to raise a Niemoller analogy to the point of ludicrous parody, one better make sure to be really fucking funny, rather than just funny-peculiar.

And, frankly, I think the MSG reference a veiled pitch for the Chinese vote–Dan, it would probably be more productive to send a fruit basket. 

Not to mention that the chain-smoking Halloran is clearly lying; unless it isn’t cigarettes that he’s been smoking, which seem to be the case.  Queens Councilman References the Holocaust in Soda Ban Testimony – New York    







Mindy Meyers' brains are enrolled as blank void and missing. Celebrity ‘Diva’ Candidate Mindy Meyer Seems Set to Lose Republican Line    




Running in a 56% black district which she does not live in, three of the 14 photos in Mindy's Flicker Stream contain black people–though to be fair, there are people of color in three others as well (and in all 14, if your count Mindy's tan).    

Mindy on the issues that matter:

STOP & FRISK: Stop-and-frisk is when a police officer who is suspicious of an individual detains the person and runs his hands lightly over the suspect's outer garments to determine if the person is carrying a concealed weapon. As long as an officer has reasonable suspicion, a stop and frisk is constitutional under the Fourth Amendment. The NYPD's stop-and-frisk practices raise serious concerns over racial profiling, illegal stops and privacy rights. However, when used appropriately a stop and frisk can help to protect the public against potential harm.

Gate Comment: The Blogs have said she opposes the City's stop and frisk policies. I think a better description is that she feigns concern about them.
POVERTY & UNEMPLOYMENT: "…No more "Hunger Games" in our District! …Mindy feels that career fairs and unemployment seminars should be more transparent and implemented throughout our district."

Gate Comment: Yes, Opaque job fairs are a cutting edge concern.

Abortion: Mindy believes women today have choices. When faced with the prospect of an unwanted pregnancy, women can get the help they need, no matter what their economic status, race, religion and education. There are many support groups available to help women through their pregnancies, along with providing the proper medical attention they need. In addition, there are many couples who are longing to provide a warm and loving home for these children through adoption.

Gate comment: Excuse me, but is there one word here which explains her position on abortion?    


On same sex marriage, Mindy sounds a lot like every other pol trying to  rationalize their opposition to something they really don't feel strongly about:

" I feel like people can do whatever they want…I just don't necessarily feel like it should necessarily result in marriage … It's not something I support, you know? But I'm not against–people can be with whoever they want. Just in terms of marriage, I just feel that, you know, um, I guess you can say I'm against it."

Yes, there is a compelling government interest here to deny people their equal rights because, um, like, you, know I just feel that way.

But, on other matters Mindy might be sui generis: Here she is on whether she could work with the Governor:

"Honestly, I'm not really familiar with him…I'm not familiar with him in particular, his issues and, you know, and everything about him. You're asking me how I would work with him?…Yeah, so, I guess I would have to see if I was elected,"

It took a decade, but someone has finally figured out how to make Kevin Parker look substantive. Mindy Meyer, still unfamiliar with Cuomo, courts Kim Kardashian | Capital New York    

A self-proclaimed "Right Wing Nut" (RWN)goes all wet and sticky for Mindy:

"Realistically – it is unlikely Mindy will win (although I am sure David Storobin was told he couldn't win either, until…he won)."

David Storobin was running in a overwhelmingly white district that gave John McCain 57%–his second best showing in the entire State.

While Kevin Parker's black majority district used to contain a substantial population of socially conservative Ultra-Orthodox Jews, they were removed during reapportionment to create the new Super-Jewish seat (which Mindy actually lives in) and replaced by lefty whites from Park Slope and Windsor Terrace (joining lefty whites from Ditmas Park).
Given the choice, these white constituents would sooner vote for a violent narcissist against a candidate who was both pro-life and anti-same sex marriage.
And sadly, that is exactly the choice they will get.

Even more sadly, they will be voting for the candidate who is more thoughtful and has greater intellectual firepower.

And btw, RWN, Bob Turner is not Jewish. Right, Wing-Nut!: The Future Of The Republican Party: Hot Jewish Girls?