The Gateway (The Great Panderschlep Edition)

Most of the focus concerning these photos of the “Great Panderschlep” has been on David Storobin him and his machine gun (I think he's pretending he's got the Sheepshead Bay Mosque in his sights, or maybe some Bosnians) and Storobin's Chief of Staff does look about one slip of the finger from starting an international incident, but really, nothing here beats the shot of what looks like pagan Dan Halloran taking a leak on the Western Wall (is he thinking "Me Chinese, me make joke?”).

Who or what godz is/are Halloran praying to, anyway?

I am also awaiting a coherent explanation by Storobin explaining why it is unforgivable for his opponent to have supported Obama four years ago, but perfectly OK for his bunkmate to have backed Ron Paul this year.

Of course, that’s a bit unfair, given I’ve never heard Storobin give a coherent explanation of anything.  David Storobin Takes Israel  




Ben Akselerod opposes hate against some and favors it against others.

Ben needs to sit through a refresher Seder and relearn the lessons about the strangers in one's midst.

He is really an unspeakable piece of smegma. But, admittedly, he’s a fairly pleasant unspeakable piece of smegma. Ben Akselrod Stokes Fears About Voorhies Avenue Mosque | Sheepshead Bay News Blog  




If you want to understand the importance of a community voting, one need only compare Hasidim to Jehovah's Witnesses. The public regards both as eccentric, but one forbids voting while the other turns out in force and votes with near unanimity.

Guess which group is treated like royalty and which group is the only acceptable prejudice in liberal Brooklyn Heights?

It is almost poetic justice that Jehovah nostalgia is now about to set in.  




The Post bravely shoots bullets at a corpse. Ed Towns’ coverup





First gun control, and now immigration.

Bloomberg continues his efforts to alienate liberal voters from Obama by obscuring the very real differences between the parties. Bloomberg Challenges Presidential Candidates On Immigration Reform 




Romney broadens the GOP agenda:

It's now not only "Fuck the Poor,” but also “Fuck the Young.”

Favorite line: "It is the position of the Romney campaign that spending money to insure people before they get sick rather than after constitutes theft from the elderly." Romney and Ryan Wage Generational Warfare They don't like the looks of these youngsters. 




This Hammond column is like a clown car packing in more Romney Ryan hypocrisy on Medicare than one would think possible.   




Introducing "Sad Paul Ryan":

One underrated aspect of the new GOP veep nominee’s political arsenal is a recurring persona of his that you might call Sad Paul Ryan. Sad Paul Ryan is less an ideological crusader and more like a wide-eyed boy who has come to Washington full of hope only to have his youthful dreams crushed by nastiness and name-calling. How Ryan’s high-minded belief in the purity of political debate managed to survive his rise to power as a Washington staffer, I cannot say. So emotionally vulnerable is Sad Paul Ryan that even a statistical recitation of the effects of his plan will nearly reduce him to tears. He is capable of complaining that Obama will “affix views to your opponent that they do not have so you can demonize them” — two sentences after accusing Obama of advocating “socialized medicine.”

Yet Sad Paul Ryan appears so genuinely sad when he says such things — quite likely because he lacks the self-awareness that might complicate his earnest dejection — that he melts the cynicism of hardened observers. So Romney’s advisers are now proclaiming, “We are betting that a substantive campaign, conducted on the high ground, and focused primarily on jobs and the economy, will trump a campaign that is designed to appeal to our worst instincts,” and the candidate himself is delivering lines such as “Mr. President, take your campaign out of the gutter and let's talk about issues.” (Talking About the Issues is Ryan’s thing, unless talking about the Issues means discussing any specific element contained within his plan, in which case he would rather talk about bowhunting or catfish noodling.) Romney and Ryan inaugurated their new high-road campaign with the charge that Obama “robbed” $700 billion from Medicare, declining to mention that their own plans keep the same cuts in place. Paul Ryan Helps Romney Reclaim His Political Virginity  




My piece on the spite endorsement by Nydia Velazquez of the decidedly unprogressive Mark Gjonaj has already gotten me some agitated email, so let me be clear:  this was really about Nydia or Gjonaj–really
it was about "progressive" and "reform" hypocrisy–the hue and cry by “progressives and “reformers” over the Lopez/Dilan endorsement of  Espinal, and similar cases in the past always struck me as a bit phony.
I wanted to call such people out and see if, under the exact same conditions, they would express the same outrage against Nydia they had against Lopez & company.

Wanna take some bets on it?   




I have a hotel room in Charlotte in the South Park Area, centrally located and just minutes by cab from the convention, the NY delegation and the airport; it has two beds, but only one guest (Rock is apparently living off the la; it has two beds, but only one guest (Rock is apparently living off the land). Anyone looking for a bed at a reasonable rate should contact me at Gate’s Facebook Page (!/pages/Gatemouth/209386299091649) or at