The Gateway (Late Post-Primary Wrap Edition)

Apologies for this one being a few days late and a couple bucks short.  


Whether two, one or even zero challengers to the three Senate Republicans  who voted for same sex marriage win, the National Organization for Marriage and its allies like the Conservative Party have won, by showing that anyone who defies them will get a nasty and difficult race.

Meanwhile, anti-SSM Dem turned Rep turn DINO Chuck Swanick, supported by the Sen Dems, lost the Dem nod to run against Mark Grisanti to a pro-SSM candidate, Mark Amodeo. Swanick continues on the Conservative line in November, which might cause Grisanti to lose to someone even more socially liberal (which, I suspect, would suit the NOM just fine in its quest to teach lessons).

Among the Dems where anti-SSM candidates won, it was rarely much of a factor. Anti-SSM Mark Gjonaj beat Naomi Rivera for because of her support for heterosexual promiscuity, not because of her support for LGTB monogamy. It was likewise not the dispositive issue in James Sanders' victory against Shirley Huntley, where it was mostly raised by the pro-SSM Huntley when talking to reporters. Meanwhile, anti-SSM Dem Luis Sepulveda practically apologized for his opposition.

In the end, not the best night for the pro-SSM movement; the message about GOPers getting primaries will be spread nationally–but it could have been far far worse. Primary Results Close for 2 G.O.P. Legislators Who Voted for Same-Sex Marriage   



“With 98 percent of precincts reporting, Kennedy was trailing Erie County Legislator Betty Jean Grant 10,580 votes to 10,389." [He now leads by 91 votes]

GATEMOUTH (1/26/2012): In essence, though it doesn't look like it, Mark Grisanti and Tim Kennedy have exchanged districts. Both now have bigger problems in their primaries than their generals. What Happened To Tim Kennedy?   







Olechowski on his victory: “the most bizarre that could have happened.”

Chris Olechowski may get the opportunity to provide us with the answer to the question "what happens to a sock puppet when the hand inside it gets amputated?" Loyalty to Embattled Assemblyman Is Seen in a Brooklyn Election   




John McCain, currently trailing, says he "dominated the vote" among white people. Lincoln Restler, currently trailing, says he 'dominated the vote' in every area but one | Capital Ne   




The Daily News continues its Lopez pile-on, and, for the second time, makes Councilwoman Diana Reyna the one Lopez enemy who'd just as soon wish this scandal just went away already.

One minor quibble; it is extremely inaccurate to say that Marty Dilan "has always received Lopez’s backing." They were once sworn enemies, and Lopez put up a candidate against Dilan in the race where Dilan first won his old City Council seat.   




Adriano Espaillat, with new Assemblywoman in toe, is the new and probably undisputed King of Little Santo Domingo. Adriano Espaillat Declares Victory Against Guillermo Linares   





Before we put the primary to bed, a few more observations:

Before we hear too much of a hue and cry about Boyland, let it be noted that his opposition got 63% of the vote  



Though he won with 84% of the vote against one of the hapless Tischler brother, Dov Hikind was one of the night's biggest losers, as his Judicial candidate, Charles Finkelstein lost to Steve Mostofsky, the candidate of Hikind rival Councilman David Greenfield 49% to 16% (the third candidate got her third of the vote almost exclusively from voters who were not Orthodox Jews).


At 16% (for Mo) and 17% (for Abe), the Tischler brothers just took their first trip to the Mikvah and drowned.



When you are a white lady whose district is 62% black and 16% white, and you win your one-on-one primary against an attractive black candidate 68% to 32%, despite hemorrhaging union support, you probably deserved to be called "beloved"

Congrats Rhoda Jacobs.



Ari Kagan, Ben Askelrod's rather inoffensive Russian-American running mate for Democratic State Committee took down incumbent Mike Geller 62% to 38% as Akselrod, another Russian-American, lost those same voters 54% to 46%.

This must be regarded as a personal repudiation of Akselrod and his tactics.



The Barron family may have suffered a massive repudiation in their efforts (though probably not invincible) in their base.  

Sources say Chris Banks has blamed poll-site changes in Starrett City for a lower than expected Russian vote.


Proving F. Scott Fitzgerald right about "second acts" convicted former Assemblywoman Diane Gordon manages only a third place 23% in her race for the Democratic State Committee.

Perhaps she should move to a gated community in southern Queens and run as the “reform” candidate against one of the many scandal-scarred incumbents.


Memo to Carmen Arroyo:  When you manage 53% against two candidates of questionable sanity and zero electability, it may be time to consider retirement.

GATEMOUTH (9/6/10): I’ve always estimated The Dead Dog vote to be 24%.

If you are an unknown who puts your name on the ballot in a head to head primary against an incumbent and does nothing, and the incumbent does nothing, you are going to get 24%

Not for nuthin, but Deb Scotto, who put her name on the ballot against Jo Anne Simon for Democratic State Committee, and then dropped out too late to get off the ballot, got 23.73% of the vote. Your Unofficial NYC Primary 2012 Results


Bye Bye to insane Bronx District Leader Mark Escoffery-Bey.