The Gateway (Take The Canolis Edition)

Cuomo doesn't mind if any Republican uses his likeness in an ad, so long as it's accurate.

Something like "Vote for the Party which best embraces the Governor's agenda" Republicans Can Use Guv In Ads as Long As They're Accurate: Cuomo   




McDonald loses; Saland pulls it out (perhaps not the best choice of words)

As I noted: "Whether two, one or even zero challengers to the three Senate Republicans who voted for same sex marriage win, the National Organization for Marriage and its allies like the Conservative Party have won, by showing that anyone who defies them will get a nasty and difficult race." Cuomo: Saland, Grisanti races different from McDonald | Politics on the Hudson   




As I predicted, Ruben Sr. is feeling his oats as the New Tolerant Intolerance magnifies its Bronx footprint. THE PEREZ NOTES: Senator Diaz has Bronx Pols in Panic Mode El Diario NY   




GATEMOUTH (8/26/06): But, neither Fulani affiliated psychotics or McKay affiliated neurotics dominate the ranks of those enrolled in the party. The largest faction of the Independence Party are “the unaware”; specifically those who checked the "Independence" box on their voter registration forms thinking it meant unaffiliated. Fulani/Newman flack Jackie Salit's recently cracked that McKay wanted to dis-enroll all but two of the party's 339,000 enrolled voters. But, as Salit and McKay both well know, if there were a label next to the "Independence" box on voter registration forms which said "Warning: If What You Really Want To Do Is Not Enroll In Any Party, By No Means Should You Check This Box", then the Party would only have about two enrolled voters. Murdoch outfoxed by fringe political party   




Gounardes tars Marty Golden with donations from the family of lobbyist turned felon turned rat Richard Lipsky.

A story broken by Gatemouth on May 16, 2011. Tarring Marty Golden with Richard Lipsky | Capital New York   




Tony Avella gets it right. Islamic Americans have the right to build houses of worship wherever they want and say whatever they please, and we (and they) have the right to non-violently express our disgust and outrage when they (or anyone else) say things which are repugnant.

That is what makes America a better place to live that Saudi Arabia and Russia (amongst other places). Video Shows Dem. NY State Sen. Walking Off Stage in Protest During Anti-Semitic Speech at NY Muslim.   




With the usual dog-whistling subtlety which is the hallmark of Brooklyn Republicans, Russ Gallo complains about losing the Independence nomination to Ben Akselrod:

"It’s unbelievable to me, not that the Board of Elections screwed up, but that I could have an election stolen from me in this country,”

Without commenting on the merits of the ongoing litigation, one cannot help noting that Gallo is clearly speaking from his depraved heart in reminding everyone which candidate was not born here, since there is no electoral advantage in the 45th AD to reminding people your opponent was born in the former Soviet Union (unless he is a Muslim from Soviet Central Asia). Independence Party candidate whole lost race by three votes says voters were given Democratic Party.   




Literally bearing a box of canolis (but no gun), newly installed Kings County Democratic County Leader Frank Seddio brought his listening tour to "reform" club Independent Neighborhood Democrats and got a mostly friendly reception.

The one cool interval came when former District Leader Alan Fleishman made clear that Seddio's (pre-County Leader) support for a friend in a local judicial race without consulting the locals showed a lack of respect for the turf of others, and Seddio essentially agreed and promised to defer to locals in the future.

One can brand this as a victory against autocracy, but whether it is a victory for "reform" depends upon how Orwellian one is with one's vocabulary.

I wanted to follow the listening tour to CBID, where things would doubtless be more contentious, but Domestic Partner has given the car away for the night, so those who are curious will just have to hope that Mole posts a column on Daily Gotham.   




Despite pretending otherwise, Brooklyn Eagle columnist Chuck Otey really does know the difference between anonymous and pseudonymous, and I really do enjoy the praise, but while I basically agree with Chuck's assessment of Frank Seddio, one comment of his cannot pass unquibbled upon:

“Regulars” aren’t afraid to do the political nitty-gritty. For instance, while “reformers” seem to always pout and stomp their feet when their qualifying election petitions get thrown out of court because they didn’t obey the law, true regular leaders do the groundwork. They search registration rolls. They deploy responsible “subscribing witnesses.” They file two to three times the minimum number of voters signatures required to get a spot on the ballot.

In my experience, some of the "Regulars," including ones Chuck likes, are cable of submitting the sparsest, most slovenly nominating petitions in creation, while it is quite often "reformers" or politicians who came up through the "reform" movement who best do the groundwork to get the job done right. Pro Bono Barrister: Look for Kings leader Seddio at Steve Cohn’s big pumpkin party! | Brooklyn Daily   




Michael Bouldin, formerly of the dead-shark Daily Gotham, has started a new blog. Expect sharp wit, sharp thinking and vicious bloodsport. Poetry in Concrete   




Dybbuk (age nine): The great fall holiday festivals are Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and the Atlantic Antic