The Gateway (Jaded Blogger Buys Jazz Edition)

In the September primary, where there was actually a race my vote could affect, I arrived at the polls at 1:30 PM and was the first vote in my tiny one square block ED. The polling place was otherwise empty.  

Today, when there were no races which local voters could possibly impact, I arrived at 11:00 and was 116, with the polling place looking like a gasoline line without cars.

It was sort of awe inspiring to see this mostly symbolic act of faith in democracy, but it would be even more awe inspiring to see it happen when something was actually at stake.   




JADED BLOGGER SYNDROME: Four years ago I spent the day in Queens working for Joe Addabbo.

This year, not only did I not endorse him, but I went to the Jazz Record Center and bought some LPs.  

Walter “Fats” Pichon’s only album is definitely a keeper.       




Poll worker can’t find Mayor’s name in scribe book.  

I'm sorry, but nothing is going to convince me that the Mayor didn't pay to stage this scene, probably by funneling the money through an Independence Party conduit.

I hope somebody got a new house out of the deal. Mayor Bloomberg Has to Help Poll Worker Find His Name on Voter Roster – New York   




Storobin: I Am A Proud Black Hatter

Yeah, and I'm an angry black woman. "I Am a Proud Black Hatter"   




Voting machine won’t count a Democratic vote. I swear I saw this once on the Simpsons. Should We Be Concerned That This Voting Machine Selects "Romney" When You Press "Obama?"   




The Springsteen/Christie détente. 

If Obama can arrange this, are Bibi and Abbas far behind? Obama Calls Chris Christie, Passes Phone to Bruce Springsteen   




The Smartest Man In America says Obama 313, Romney 225.

Now go out and make it happen (oh yeah, most of us really can't). Election Forecasts – FiveThirtyEight Blog –