The Gateway (Post Card From a Mental Health Break Edition)

So, here’s the story. I’m no longer getting up every morning looking for a couple of items (I set six as a minimum awhile ago) for filler for the Gateway, so the real items don’t go stale before I get a piece up, and I’m no longer looking to have an on the record remark about every little thing.


But a few items I ran across along the way interested me enough to post on my personal Facebook page, and it is the end of the month, so I decided, “why not share them?”   


Maybe I’ll do it every month till I go back to serious blogging. Maybe every week. Maybe I won’t do it again for a while. Maybe not at all.


Saturday, Dybbuk and I celebrated shabbos by walking the Brooklyn Bridge. We then wasted the calories we burned by having mussels at Umberto’s while I tried to explain Joey Gallo to him.


“Dylan wrote a song about him being shot.”


“So he was like Medgar Evers?” [Well, actually Gallo was a pioneer in breaking the color barrier and expanding opportunity in the field of organized crime]  


We then walked to Film Forum to catch Harold Lloyd’s “Safety Last,” which is still playing (last show 7:20 tonight). Though Lloyd is no Keaton, this is a bucket list film (despite a couple of cringe worthy moments involving black and Jewish stereotypes).


Dybbuk was a bit traumatized by Lloyd hanging from the clock (it looks real, because he really is that high up over the City) and the fact that Harold nearly gets fired from his job, which would lose him the girl.


And yet “Jurassic Park” doesn’t bother him. Go figure.


Sunday we walked to Brooklyn Bridge Park. And I’ve stopped buying wine every night. I better stop writing before I relapse.  


Anyway, here now some old news:


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