The Gateway (Got Myself A Gun And A Lovelight Edition)

Apologies for the staleness of some of the items. If it gets any worse, not even C-Town will stock them.  

For months, my liberal internationalist heart has been at war with my realist's brain over what to do about Syria. "How can we stand aside?" my heart would ask, while my brain droned out warnings about Al Queda and cannibalism while quoting the Hippocratic Oath.

But, even if I were gung ho for intervention, I would not countenance Bill Clinton's calling the President a "wuss."

Given all his own dithering on the matters of Bosnia and Kosovo–where Al Queda were not a factor (thank the L-rd for Hillary, Gore and Lieberman eventually setting him straight), one would think Bill would be a bit more reticent about calling the kettle yellow.


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