Yes, Can We?

While this week is of course one of new beginnings, it also brings the political year 2008 to a very happy ending.

Can any New York City Democrat not already on Mayor Bloomberg's campaign payroll (as of this date, still the majority of us, but give it time) say the same concerning the likely outcome of 2009?

It is time for us to hold auditions, and take the likely prospects out for a spin. On Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 7:30 PM, the 41st Assembly District Democratic Club, headed by Councilman Lew Fidler (probably the Mayor's least favorite Councilmember among those who voted in favor of modifying the term limits law), will begin its 2009 Guest Speaker Series, with perhaps Bloomberg's strongest potential opponent, City Comptroller Bill Thompson.    

In his younger days, often mistaken for Morris Day of "The Time", Thompson has since earned our thanks by performing well in two of the City's most thankless jobs (Comptroller and Preident of the old Board of Education); now he seeks a third, and we shall continue to be thankful that someone of substance is willing to contest an election the classless chattering classes and the fourth estate have infomred us has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

Those of us who are interested in a real election could do worse than to show up this Thursday at 7:30 PM at the 41st AD Democratic Club, 2952 Avenue R(corner of Haring), Brooklyn, NY.