New Trend Expands: Ads to Make ‘Em Confuse You with Your Opponent


Independence Party Mailers Tout Union Ties For Anti-WFP Candidates

"The State Independence Party has not often been confused for having a pro-union message.

After all, over the past six months, business groups have poured money into the party in an effort to make is a viable counterweight to the labor-backed Working Families Party (WFP).

But strangely, the Independence Party is now flooding two Council districts with mailers that just as easily could have been produced by the WFP, via its for-profit company, Data and Field Services (DFS).
Mailers for Council candidates Deirdre Feerick and Kendall Stewart, who are both facing WFP priority candidates using DFS, bear the image of a worker with his hands dirtied on a piece of machinery, and declare: 'Will The City Council Support Workers' Rights?'"

Query: Were they inspired by the Lander "Der Blatt" Ad?