The problem with Cynthia McKinney

Did you notice all the chatter on TV about Donald Rumsfeld saying he didn’t know what Condeleezia Rice was talkimg about? 

Neither did I but there it was in the Washington Post.         

One reason why nobody on TV was talking about it was because they were talking about the self-indulgent foolish actions of a liberal Democrat.

And that’s why the Cynthia McKinney story is important.

Because this "progressive" who cares about poor people, who wants to end the war in Iraq put her personal demons ahead of all those issues she cares about.

Because whatever she was doing was too important to allow her to stop when asked to do so 3 times by a cop.

Because something in her does not allow her to wear the identification pin that Congress members are encouraged to wear to assist the Capitol police.

Because her pride wouldn’t allow her to apologize right away and her ego forced her to go every TV channel to defend the indefensible.

It kind reminds of Ralph Nader and his supporters who still will tell you it was of no consequence that Bush beat Gore.