You Don’t Need To Be A Weatherman To Know There Was No Monsoon In Crazy Land

At first glance, it can be hard for a sensible person to decide who is telling the truth in the dispute between the Paladino campaign & the New York Post about whether or not the Post took pictures of Crazy Carl’s 10 year old daughter. But if we look at just one easy to check previous statement by the campaign, we might be able to judge their credibility on more difficult cases.


The day after the Quinnipiac Poll was published, showing Crazy Carl losing be a diminished margin to Andrew Cuomo, the campaign issued a press release with the following sentence:


Most notably, the Q-poll had an immediate impact is on fundraising, like a sudden monsoon. We've adjusted Carl's schedule accordingly because this makes it a sudden possibility he has a shot at spending commensurate with the Cuomo


But last week, campaign finance documents were required to be filed with the Board of Elections and we learned what a sudden monsoon in crazyland:


Mr. Paladino, who won the Republican primary against Rick A. Lazio, a former congressman from Long Island, raised $274,368 in the last week.

To give you an idea of how this was closer to a drizzle than a monsoon, here’s what two others raised in the same week:

In the race for attorney general, the Democratic nominee, State Senator Eric T. Schneiderman, who won a five-way primary on Sept. 14, reported raising $312,351 in the last week and had about $1 million on hand. His Republican opponent, Daniel M. Donovan Jr., the Staten Island district attorney, who faced no primary opposition and has the backing of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, has raised $413,791 since July, when he last filed a campaign report. He had $444,621 on hand.

