Ed Towns versus Kevin Powell: it’s time to choose up a side; left wing bloggers need to come clean or be strip-searched

For years, some Brooklyn loudmouths on the left of the political spectrum have been using Congressman Ed Towns as a whipping boy of sorts; despite the fact that Ed Towns voted against the Iraq invasion and all subsequent wasteful defense spending. He has also gotten a 100% voting scorecard from groups like the National Abortion Rights Action League and Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, so you would think that some lefties would be pleased at his recent ratings; but I guess not, since I don’t see those left-wing endorsements coming in for Towns.

We saw the lefties jump all over young ivy leaguer Barry Ford -when he twice challenged Towns a few years ago- embracing him like he was the prodigal son; and although in 2006 they were reluctant to support Charles Barron, “Chuckie B” still did surprisingly well in pockets of Brooklyn’s 10th congressional district where lefties reside (go look at the results). Now this year Kevin Powell shows up to challenge Towns, and lefties are surprisingly silent; I wonder why. 

Former Black Panther H. Rap Brown once said that the worst place to find yourself is in the middle of a crossfire, because you will definitely be mowed down by both sides; he was absolutely correct. So now it is time for Brooklyn’s lefties to declare what side are they on in this Towns v. Powell race. You see their strange silence is leaving a lot of suspicion that they are supporting Powell in a clandestine way; and if they are then they need to come out and tell us all why they are doing that. Is there something that they are ashamed of? Is there something they are ashamed of exposing? They need to know that size doesn’t matter/lol.  

In general, you always find vociferous left wingers up on the blogs dissecting near every congressional race in New York. They love to do that. The Daily Gotham is known for lively chatter about congressional races. Many times their conversations go all the country. It is usually very informative for me, when I come up on this website and follow said columns and threads. I may not comment a lot but I absorb. 

A couple weeks ago -when I had my minimal dust up with Kevin Powell at Junior’s Restaurant in Brooklyn- Powell told me that his campaign had no one trolling the blogs on his behalf: it was a lie. He has a kid who (some tell me) only yesterday graduated from a ritzy high school in Beverley Hills, California (Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein), peregrinating the blogs for him, and taking pot shots at those who critique the Powell campaign. This upscale kid is now trying to engage veterans of Room Eight New York Politics (www.r8ny.com) like Gatemouth, in blog-debate. He doesn’t understand that he is in way over his head. Powell needs to stop hiring rookies: you never send a kid to do a man’s job. 

But what I am surprised about is the curt e-mail from my white Parisian cousin over at the Daily Gotham blog (www.dailygotham.com), admonishing me not to go “overboard” with my candidate (Ed Towns). Michael “Frenchie” Bouldin says that he hates to pick political fights on the blogs, and yet he throws these lil pit-a-pat punches when something is on his mind. So Michael: tell us how you really feel about this race in the 10th congressional. Why; the cat got your pen? 

Look; Ed Towns also got 100% voting scorecard ratings from groups like these: The National Education Association, The Children Defense Fund Action Council, The Shriver Center on Poverty, The Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, The League of Conservation Voters, The American Association of University Women and The National Arts Summit. There are other organizations, but this isn’t a political propaganda piece: so I stop there (another column maybe/lol). 

Last week former NYC mayor Ed Koch came out and endorsed Ed Towns. So too has some other prominent individual Jews, and also many Jewish organizations. Koch said that Towns was a gentleman, while implying that his opponent (Powell) wasn’t. Look; I won’t touch that with iodine gloves, but you readers can draw your own conclusions. 

Today on the steps of Brooklyn’s Boro Hall, five elected officials -including my favorite senator Kevin Parker- will endorse Ed Towns at 2pm.  The other four are: Senator Eric Adams, Senator John Sampson, Assembly member Hakeem Jeffries and Assembly member Camara. People are starting to take sides in this race, and it is time for left wing bloggers to strip from the head down: expose yourselves.

Stay tuned-in folks.