Merry Christmas Maurice Gumbs and Joan Gill; and a Happy New Year Also

Maurice Gumbs is like an older brother to me, and I don’t say this only because we were both born in Trinidad (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago). I say it because he has given me so much good advice over the years that if I had only listened to him half the time, I would be much better off than I am today in so many ways; thus I have come to really appreciate his wisdom, love, concern and support. I have also come to accept that I listen to a drumbeat far different to many/lol. 

I have known Maurice for over 35 years now. We both won academic scholarships to the prestigious Queens Royal College -in the island’s capital (Port of Spain) – and later we both migrated to the USA, where we completed our formal and post graduate educations at different universities, before eventually settling into New York City’s routines. 

He ran for public office in Brooklyn, during the eighties and nineties; and was elected many times to the Community School Board in Crown Heights.  He also ran for the Assembly (#43), State Senate (#20) and the City Council (#40). He is one of the pioneers of the Caribbean-American political-empowerment movement in Brooklyn; I consider him one of my mentors in politics.  

Mrs. Joan Gill is like an aunt to me. From the first days I met her -somewhere around 1990 or 1992, when she was running against Clarence Norman for the 43rd Assembly seat- I have loved her wit, her charm, her style, human decency and her overall demeanor. She has always been nice to me. She is generally direct and gives it to you straight with no chaser -whenever she has something on her mind to say. Both she and her husband (Elijah) were born in Brooklyn. Elijah has Caribbean-American roots (Barbados). He is an executive member of the Brooklyn Old-timers Foundation. They raise scholarship-money for Brooklyn kids. He may not be as well known as his wife -a former female district leader of the democrats for the 43rdAD- but he is an activist in his own right.

So why am I writing a column wishing Maurice and Joan season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year? Well, for starters, they both deserve such. Secondly, they have both had their share of challenges over the last couple years and I hope next year is better for both of them. Thirdly, because on Sunday 26th April 2009, both of my campaign committees (fundraising and political operations) are honoring the pair with a luncheon; and I hope many of you who read my column -and others who know the personal and political histories of these two individuals- make it a duty to attend that event. 

Before I get a little deeper into all of this let me just make an announcement here: before the end of next month (January 2009), I intend to file the necessary papers to become a candidate for the New York City Council elections next year. I will start off by creating a fundraising committee (either “Friends of Rock Hackshaw” or “ROCK 2009”). I will later file an election committee (“Rock Hackshaw’s Campaign Committee” or “RHCC”).

Within the next two weeks, I will inform the readers of my column as to where I can be contacted, and as to where I can be sent campaign contributions. So do stay tuned in. The race is on: finally. After eight years of being on the sidelines, I intend to climb back into the ring. The last time I ran (2000), I left around twenty-three hundred votes on the table; once I repeat that performance I will be viable. To win I will have to improve on those numbers: and I intend to. 

My objective is to run for the 40th council district seat (Brooklyn) by challenging the incumbent Mathieu Eugene. This is the same seat that Maurice Gumbs unsuccessfully ran for in 1991; that year Una Clarke defeated both Maurice and Carl Andrews to get to the council. I am dedicating this run to Maurice Gumbs. 

About one third of this district subsumes areas in which I have already run for office. To some extent, the “name recognition” factor is already there. I have done political work all over this district; especially when I headed up a non-profit organization on Nostrand Avenue during the nineties. I still have many organizational ties to the area and first lived there in 1973. I have many friends and relatives here and the support for this upcoming run has been quite encouraging. 

I have already selected a campaign manager. Her name is Wendy Washington. Ms. Washington was initially intent on running for the council also, but she has deferred her political ambitions for the minute, in order to lead my campaign. She is fresh off of doing some political work in the state of Virginia for the Barack Obama presidential campaign. She is a resident of Fort Greene, Brooklyn; via New Orleans and its rough and tumble political environments. 

Also on board my campaign team bus is Ms. Maderie Pam Miller -President of the Marcus Garvey Political Organization- who will serve with Mr. Wellington Sharpe as campaign co-chairs. Mr. Darryl Smart (from the C.Virginia Fields mayoral campaign) will be the director of field operations. Mrs. Reeza Arsha Hare is the treasurer. Mr. Kenneth Evans Esq., Mr. Gerry Hopkins Esq., Ms. Marva Prescod Esq. and Mr. Francisco Hall (a former staffer of assembly member Nick Perry) currently round out the team that is still being assembled. It is a team of experienced technicians and political activists. We are yet to interview any consulting firms but will get to that soon enough. If there are any out there -interested in tackling this race- feel free to contact me:

So back to Maurice and Joan; Mrs. Gill has been battling a rare blood disorder which has consumed much of her time of late. She still serves on the Community Board (9) and continues to be in fine spirits despite the illness. Maurice had a moderate stroke a couple years ago, and I can now say that he has returned to fine health. Last July, I visited him in Florida (where he has retired) and he was doing well. I spoke to him today about the luncheon and he is looking forward to coming up for the event. Hopefully many of you will attend; so keep this date circled on your calendar. 

Both Joan and Maurice have made tremendous contributions to public service and community activism. Their sacrifices to many causes remain phenomenal. Despite his health issues Maurice volunteered for the Barack Obama campaign during the past year; I am sure that the volunteer-work helped both mentally and physically. He is back to writing again. Maurice and Joan are very strong individuals. I wish them well. Let’s all wish them both: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Take care folks and do stay tuned-in. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hannukah and Happy New Year to you and yours also.