Another Big Endorsement for Rock Hackshaw

Yesterday the Flatbush Life Newspaper -with an aged tradition in the area's politics- endorsed me for the 40th city council seat. The newspaper had this to say: "Two and a half years ago, a whopping ten candidates ran for the open City Council seat in the 40th district. This year, that number is down to three -the incumbent, and two community activists with long records of involvement in the neighborhood. While all three candidates are worthy, the one who stands out is Rock Hackshaw.

Hackshaw -well known to many as a political blogger, who has spent upwards of three decades involved in neighborhood issues- brings to his candidacy a strong intellect and a fresh perspective on community concerns, from health care to education.

He also brings a refreshing candor. Anyone who knows him knows that he is incapable of doing other than "telling it as it is".

Among his top priorities would be to work on legislation that would make New York City more hospitable to the middle and working classes. Warning: "this city is becoming an enclave for rich people", Hackshaw said during a forum hosted by this newspaper. Hackshaw promised to create tax breaks for renters as well as trying to eliminate tuition for City University (CUNY) students. He said these were among his top priorities.

Another top priority for Hackshaw would be the crafting of legislation that would prevent the mayor and the city council from overturning the results of voter referendums, as was done last year with respect to the extension of term limits.

Our recomendation to residents of the 40th CD is to take the opportunity that has presented itself to them  and pull the lever for Rock Hackshaw in the Democratic primary".

Stay tuned-in folks.