Who’s Running – Part 3

Previously I posted the list of candidates who filed petitions to run in NYC Democratic Primaries.

Now, I’ll discuss Primary contests in the Republican and Independence Parties.

There are no Conservative & Working Families Party Primaries.



11 CD  – 2 Republicans filed petitions to run in the district being vacated by Major Owens – Stephen Finger & Mariana Blume.

State Senate

15 SD – Senator and County Leader Serph Maltese is being challenged by Bartholomew Bruno. I suspect this race is part of the war between Maltese & his allies and Jack & Bart Haggerty for control of the Queens GOP.

24 SD – The major local Republican primary contest in NYC is this one for the nomination to replace Senator John Marchi. Councilman Andrew Lanza & former County Leader Robert Helbock are running.

30 SD – The overwhelmingly Democratic District being vacated by David Paterson has 2 Republicans running – Jolinda Ruth Cogen & Al Mosley.


28 AD – There is a Republican Primary between Dolores Maddis & Walter Schmidt in the AD represented by Andrew Hevesi. I suspect this is tied into the Maltese-Haggerty wars.

60 AD – One of the few Republican Assemblymen in NYC, Matthew Mirones is not running for re-election in this Brooklyn- Staten Island district. 2 candidates filed petitions – Mirones’ aide Anthony Xanthakis & former Council candidate Joseph Cammarata.



13 CD – Congressman Vito Fosella who was endorsed by the Party leadership is opposed by Anita Lerman.

14 CD – Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney who was endorsed by the Party leadership is opposed by Alan Harris.

There are a number of Primaries for State Committee. Most, if not all are part of the fight between the forces aligned with Lenora Fulani & Fred Newman and those backed by State Chair Frank McKay. The Assembly Districts with Primary contests are –


23 AD

26 AD

27 AD

30 AD

34 AD

Staten Island

60 AD


65 AD

66 AD

69 AD

73 AD

74 AD

75 AD


77 AD

83 AD

A few interesting things I noticed in the above IP races:

Fred Newman’s opponent for State Committee is none other than Bernie Goetz.

Lenora Fulani is running unopposed.

A former West Side Democratic District Leader Carmen Quinones in now running for IP State Committee.

Somebody named Alan J. Weberman is running in Manhattan. I don’t know if this is the somewhat famous Bob Dylan fan/stalker AJ Weberman.