The Central Park 5-Raymond Santana


Central Park 5 as we all now know reached a 41 million dollar settlement with the City of New York

Here is part one of our interview this week with Raymond Santana at Melba's Restaurant. Only four blocks from the park.

Mrs. Santana's mother died of cancer while he was in prison, and he has not been back to the park since that night in April of 1989.



Dominic Carter: Whoopie Goldberg keeps it real at Prison College Graduation


Tonight on RNN/FIOS TV at 6 pm, we are going one-on-one with Whoopie Goldberg from "The View," inside "Sing-Sing" Maximum Security Prison.

All I can say is WOW!!!!

We know Whoppie has an OSCAR, and we know her from Hollywood (Sister Act and playing "Coach Eddie" of the Knicks and let's not forget BROADWAY)

BUT I didn't know she never attended college, and had to overcome the learning disability of being Dyslexic.
