Convention Leftover #3: An Alternative Model


Before the convention, I wrote in favor of allowing Hillary Clinton to have her name put into nomination, saying “Letting her speak and take that bow before honorably rallying the troops seems the smart move. Those who fear it misunderstand that the only way Clinton can serve her own interests is to do the job well. It’s win-win for everyone.”

And it was.

One morning at the NY Delegation breakfast, I was in a discussion at with Brooklyn Assemblyman Nick Perry, a man of boundless generosity–when Nick has an opinion he always makes sure to share it with everyone.

Convention Leftover #2: A Chuckle


Watching everyday the irrepressible Chuck Schumer hog every spotlight and get his face in every picture put me in mind of a famous story, perhaps apocryphal.

As a rule, elected officials politicians, even those of irascible nature, do not generally go out of their way to pick fights with others similarly situated. They’ll fuck with them 16 ways from Sunday, but barring some sort of war, rarely, if ever, publicly stick their necks out against an incumbent office holder of the same party in a primary.

Convention Leftover #1: Youn Never Know (A Math Lesson)


“The new Obama delegates, who had arrived wearing well-practiced expressions of graciousness, looked bewildered, deprived of their chance to gloat. As delegation leadership roles and other boondoggles continued to flow to Clinton supporters, one Obama supporter was heard whispering, "Whatever happened to: To the victors go the spoils?"–NY Obama Delegate Monica Youn on Slate–8/29/08

Total for the State of New York

HILLARY CLINTON 1,068,496 (56.50%)




BARACK OBAMA 751,019 (39.71%)

Whines of Long Island


Dateline: Begun Somewhere in the Air between Denver International Airport and LaGuardia–8/29/08 Mid-Afternoon; finished back at home in Brooklyn USA 9/1/08

At the end of the first chapter of this epic journey, one may recall that I was awaken from a sound sleep and a fine dream by that eternal harbinger of unnecessary calamity, Rockwell Hermon Hackshaw.

The chapter ended with Rock explaining that because the Residence Inn had no two-bedrooms units for us at $199 (the DNC rate) they had given us each a one-bedroom for $99 instead, and that therefore he would have no need to awaken me like he just had. This was one of the few pieces of good news Rock managed to deliver during the week’s course, although those pieces of news were still greater in number than his efforts at political commentary (but why was everyone complaining?)

The Naughty Bits


Rushing Friday morning to catch a plane, I’m not sure that the article I churned out in five minutes adequately expressed my revulsion towards the momentous event of Sarah Palin’s selection as John McCain’s choice to be one heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world, although perhaps that was because that, at that point, I knew so little about her (albeit, enough so I was well aware that there was a problem).

Anyway, my problem with Ms. Palin is not that McCain is playing the "gender card" (which would seem irresistible), but that's he's playing it with a deuce.

Perhaps the Stupidest Things Written in the Local Press While I Was Out of Town (But I Haven’t Gone through the Post Yet)


“Rangel pissed off his largely pro-Obama constituency by backing Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary” — from “Model Opponent: Anti-Rangel Feeling Wrangles and Opponent” by Maria Luisa Tucker Village Voice-8/27/08

Total for 15th Congressional District-New York County

HILLARY CLINTON 60,573 (52.65%)




BARACK OBAMA 53,165 (46.21%)


Total Votes 115,044

“Craig Schley, an activist and former male model, found 5,580 people in the last month who want Rangel out of office and were willing to sign the petitions he needs to become an independent candidate for the congressman's seat. He filed those petitions with the Federal Election Commission last week.”–same article

Partial List of Republican Women More Qualified to be President Than Sarah Palin


Senators: Lisa Murkowski, Alaska(?!?); Olympia Snowe, Maine; Susan Collins, Maine; Elizabeth Dole North Carolina; Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas

Governors: Oline Walker, Utah; Linda Lingle, Hawaii, M. Jodi Rell, Connecticut

Members of the House: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Florida; Deborah Pryce, Ohio; Barbara Cubin, Wyoming; Sue Myrick North Carolina; Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri; Kay Granger, Texas; Mary Bono, California; Heather Wilson , New Mexico; Judith Borg Biggert , Illinois; Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee; Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida; Candice Miller, Michigan; Marilyn Musgrave, Colorado; Thelma Drake, Virginia; Virginia Foxx, North Carolina; Cathy McMorris Rodgers, West Virginia; Jean Schmidt, Ohio

Cabinet: Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State; Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor; Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education; Mary Peters, Secretary of Transportation; Susan Schwab, US Special Trade Representative

Scarlett O’Hara at the Smorgasbord


Dateline: Somewhere in the Air between Denver International Airport and LaGuardia–8/29/08 Early Afternoon

Did anyone expect a speech anything less than electrifying? The build up, the hype, the expectations should have made the actual bill of goods somewhat anticlimactic, but it was not.

Sat, as I was at Invesco, in the section reserved for the “written press” located in the better area of the bleachers (Rock was on the floor rocking the vote with the true believers and the party hacks), my cynical remarks about much of the proceedings were greeted with little ill will; for sure, my neighbors and I were erotically attracted to the Man from Honolulu, but we intended to go home with our panties on. Yet by evening’s end, not only was seduction achieved, but in the morning we still had no regrets. He even sent me a text message! God, there were fireworks, even before they set off the pyrotechnics.

Sarah Palin?!?


Dateline: Engelwood, Colorado-8/28/08–9:12 AM Mountain Time

One of the paradoxes of political conventions is how much they tend to cut one off from political news. I haven't read a paper of watched TV in days, so perhaps I've missed something.   

Why would McCain pick Sarah Palin? Even her name suggests something out of Monty Python? Does she make McCain look more like a lumberjack and less like a dead parrot? I think it confirms my suspicion that McCain is channeling Basil Fawlty.

Surely, the unique characteristic she brings to the ticket (shared by over half the population) could be found among someone more qualified in the 49 other states (and even in Alaska). Perhaps, he’s looking to create contrast with the Democrats by showing that, on his ticket, all the gravitas resides firmly with the Presidential candidate.



Dateline: Denver, Colorado–8/28/08–11:20 AM Mountain Time

Dealing with Rock over credentials for Invesco resulted in my missing David Weprin’s breakfast, probably the only place in Denver I was going to find a free piece of lox this morning.

Rock got the good credential with the New York Delegation, while I got the Arena Credential, which is apparently a license to hunt.

Meanwhile, Rock is trying to Bogart a new friend he’s made into Invesco using a Perimeter Credential, a two day old Floor Credential and a New York Delegation Press Badge.

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