Kevin Powell’s Durban Reviewal (Updated) [Warning Signs Have Now Been Added So You Can Skip The Boring Part]


“…think about the fact that just a week or two before September 11th, you had this major conference on global racism and intolerance happening in Durban, South Africa. How many Americans knew 1) That is was going on? or 2) That the American delegation walked out of the country when the thorny issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was brought up, from the perspective of people of color?”—Kevin Powell

Today came “news” that Congressional candidate and Hip-Hop Philosopher Kevin Powell would be meeting with 200 Hasidic leaders in Williamsburg and accepting their endorsement for Congress.

A Mighty Wind


In describing his history of violence, especially, but not exclusively against women, Congressional candidate and Hip-Hop Philosopher Kevin Powell has called himself a “recovering misogynist” and compares himself to "a recovering alcoholic or a crack fiend who has righted her or his ways," warning that "I can lapse at any time."

But Powell also notes his efforts to cure himself of this illness, citing 20 years of therapy. In a recent open letter to his opponent, Congressman Ed Towns, Powell notes:

“I was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey, to a young single Black mother, who was never married to my father. Indeed, my father so emotionally devastated my mother by his irresponsibility, absence, and neglect, that my mother turned that hurt on me, her only child. Yes, like many young people in your district, Mr. Towns, I was a victim of all manner of violence as a child, including physical and mental abuse. I strongly recommend that you Google my poem 'Son2Mother to get the full picture of what an inner city child like me, born on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, had to live through in terms of violence and low self-esteem, and feelings of worthlessness.“

Candidate B


Tis the season to talk about ballot access.

It is a long treasured truism of New York politics that our state has the most onerous ballot access laws in the country and accounts for 50% of the nation’s election law litigation. There are endless articles which quote such a statistic, but not one has ever cited any empirical data to back up that assertion, most likely because one is more likely to find alligators living in a sewer, or Judge Crater living in a cardboard box than to actually find any proof of this Urban Legend’s veracity.

The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans (an anecdote recovered from my digital wastebasket)


One morning, in a prior life, I was dispatched to work on a campaign in Queens. Another “volunteer”, similarly dispatched from my office, had been sent out to buy bagels, and had returned with two dozen, all plain.  

 Peeved at the prospect of sinking my teeth into bland white bread without getting anything stuck between them, I questioned her about her choice. She said that she wasn’t sure what variety people would want, and therefore chose the lowest common denominator.

A Card Carrying Abomination (REVISED-shaggy dog opening anecdote now replaced by some histortical perspective)


“25th AD (Queens): Evidence would seem to indicate that both Morshed Alam and Rory Lancman are insufferable egomaniacs. But, the evidence also indicates that only one of them is an insufferable egomaniac who sucks up to Republicans. Frank Padavan is almost a case study of what is wrong with Albany. Morshed Alam is Frank’s padawan Therefore, three cheers for Lancman." —Gatemouth’s Voter’s Guide (9/7/06) 

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