Perkin’ Off


“Every election has problems, but in this case, all the problems seem to have been his…He got all the zeroes and undercounting…Some gross mistakes have been made. In this case, it was strictly with regards to Obama [the issue is more] than one or two delegates…It reflects the popularity and the weakness to her in her home state. It contributes to a false momentum”.

“Riders of the Lost Cause” Starring Harrison Fraud–RATED X BY AN ALL LEFT JURY!



NY 13 : One of only Six Republican from New York, and one of only two without a challenger, this district showed a bigger Bush swing than NY 3, but also went for Gore by a similar amount. Vito Fossella represents Staten Island and Brooklyn. Steve Harrison on an extremely small budget held Vito to only 57% and therefore the right challenger should be able to win.

News Flash: Steve Harrison is Not Mentally Ill (A Mea Culpa)–REVISED


 “There is more to be said about Gatemouth's piece…particularly about the unsubtle allegations that Harrison is mentally ill, a homophobe, and a rightwinger….please don't complain about rough handling when you accuse people of being mentally ill…you have a track record…that places all of this into a context, and that context is that Gatemouth will say whatever comes into his head as long as he thinks it's of some use, and the more over the top, the better. Why stop at mental illness when you can go for child molestation and drug addiction? Seriously, why?”  

No Idea (It’s a Pun!)

Attorney Reg #: 2621670
     Judge: No
Current name:
Currently registered
Year admitted:

 Continuing Legal Education
(as reported on registration forms)

Credit Hours
Signature Date Carryover
Signature Date
Signature Date
   2000-2001            11/11/2000    
    2002-2003            10/14/2002    
    2004-2005            11/14/2004    
    2006-2007            10/17/2006    

“A principal reason Dear lacks the fitness to be a judge is that he has had little experience practicing law since he was licensed in 1994. Over the past eight years, he has filed sworn statements with the state courts reporting that he is a nonpracticing attorney. His last affidavit was dated Nov. 4, 2006…..But then Dear set his sights on becoming a judge, a position for which it's helpful to have a solid résumé as a lawyer. All of a sudden, he began filing official statements describing himself as an active attorney-at-law.

Daily Gotham First Annual Circle Jerk – All Dialogue Guaranteed (almost) Verbatim



[Ed. note MB: Edited for clarity, politeness (Ed. note GM: this means he took out any comment about his friends he didn't like)  and basic HTML standards compliance (Ed. note GM: this means he interjected nasty remarks about anything he didn't agree with)]

[2nd Ed. note: Good grief, enough of the drama already. Post has been removed by the author, and replaced with a link to the unedited piece on Room Eight, which you can access by clicking here.]

QB VII (Episode II of “The Joe Bruno Democrats”)


[I know I promised that my next piece in this series would be about erstwhile Congressional candidate and unlikely left-hero, Steve Harrison, but my “The Daily Gotham” (TDG) posting of Part One (wherein I excoriate Joe Bruno, and outline his modis operandi in unsparing detail, like practically no one has ever done before), was answered almost solely with accusations that the entire series was a contract on behalf of Harrison’s likely primary opponent, Dominick Recchia.

The Joe Bruno Democrats (Pilot Episode)


Like a rabid dog in the last throes of delirium, Senate Republican Leader Joe Bruno is flailing about, wrecking as much havoc as possible before the inevitable. Unfortunately, as always, a Democrat has once again come to his rescue, helping him to live on to face another inglorious day of singing about the virtues of self-reliance while he and his allies rob every last dollar from the public till, because they can. At the end of the film, the cop looks at Jack Nicholson and says “It’s Albany, Jake”.

The only difference between this year and all the others is that this time the Democrat providing Bruno with his life raft has not done it intentionally. Mario Cuomo used to throw Warren Anderson and Ralph Marino bouquets. Eliot thought he was throwing Joe Bruno a rock, but it turned out to be a rope, and now Joe’s hanging him with it. Only in Albany could a Governor catch a legislative leader of the opposite party using state helicopters for political purposes and end up turning it to the leader’s advantage. Now, to top it off, the Governor’s found a way for a man who should be making license plates to be making hay from them instead. It is to weep.