"You are a Saul Bellow character…fixated, detail-oriented, obsessive interiority"
–Ben Smith (The Daily News)
Everything I think relevant about the State Legislature is probably encompassed in these pieces:
Albany Primer – Why Does NYC Get Screwed at Budget Time
Settling for the Steak Knives
Don’t Print the Legend – The Real Story of the Commuter Tax
To the extent that I’ve recommended candidates here, it is mostly in the spirit of trying to make the best of a bad situation, although when applied to some of these races, that would be an optimistic assessment. Our legislature is reflective of the state in the same way a mirror would be if it was glued together after being smashed with a ball peen hammer. While viewing it as a whole may be frightening, looking at it piece by piece does not necessarily provide any additional illumination, as the whole is less than the sum of its parts, given that only two of those parts are usually operable. The Senate may be the bigger problem, but in some ways this is like drawing the distinction between Leopold and Loeb.