The Gateway (Ben Hurt Edition)


I accept the fact that Democratic candidates in socially conservative constituencies might take some socially conservative positions, but I rarely can bring myself to be very happy about it.

Accordingly, anti-same sex marriage Assemblyman Steve Cymbrowitz has never been my glass of tea.

The Gateway (Paleface Jewboy Edition)


Having suffered too many times watching Gerson Borrero on New York One, I'm inclined to believe that he possesses special expertise on the topic of loco behavior, but Gerson’s assertion that Ydanis Rodriguez is the Council's craziest member is rebutted in its entirety by the existence of Charles Barron.

The Gateway (Anthrax Nostalgia Edition)


David Segal to be rehired?

This is certainly Councilman Rodriguez's right, but I have to ask, did I miss the part where Segal admitted that what he did was wrong?

By his refusal to say that throwing a burning rag into a building was wrong (Segal admitted only to it being ineffective protest), Segal has openly embraced the viewpoint that such acts of terror are morally justified.