Espinal is not anti-choice; he's multiple choice.
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Espinal is not anti-choice; he's multiple choice.
Questioned about his stances on Medicare and Social Security, Congressional candiate Bob Turner responded voters would just have to take a look at his public statements, his endorsements “and then decide if I'm go
While I tend to agree with the assessment that Tom DiNapoli has "Chipmunk Balls" (in fact, this might be conceding him too much)–it could be argued with some justice that refusing to stand with this particular Governor requires almost elephantine testicular fortitude.
Bob Turner admits he was pandering to the National Review.
ROCK Given the recent "crap" on Room Eight New York Politics, I decided to share an old e-mail I had gotten some time aback, with some of the readers.
In 2006, Democratic Congressional candidates took 87% of the Jewish vote; in 2008, Barack Obama took 78%; in 2010, Dems took 61% of the Jewish vote for Congress.
SIENNA POLLSTER STEVEN GREENBERG: “Democrat Weprin holds a small six-point lead over Republican Turner in a district where there are more than three times as many Democrats as Republicans…While Weprin holds a two-to-one advantage over Turner with Democrats, Turner has a nearly six-to-one lead among Republicans and a slim four-point lead with independent voters.
I Want You To Want Me Department:
Lately, barely a week goes by without some deranged psychotic liar asserting that I am obsessed with going through their work (and their work alone) with a fine tooth comb and pointing out errors, when in actuality I’ve been doing this sort of media criticism in a wide ranging manner,