The Gateway (Gilad Shalit Edition)


Gilad Shalit was taken prisoner on June 25, 2006. He has yet to have a single ICRC visit even though the Geneva Conventions require them. This is one of the many human rights violations that the Hamas regime has perpetrated and they deserve universal condemnation.

WTF is the flotilla of concerned lefties for Gilad Shalit?



The Real “Big Ugly” (The Albany Case for Same Sex Marriage)


As I’ve said before, even in the NYS legislature, the idea that a bill only comes to the floor of a chamber of the legislature when a majority of the majority party’s membership would support it if it came to the floor, is nonsense.

Sometimes, a majority would support a bill if it came to the floor, and doesn’t want to let it on the floor for that very reason. Other times, the majority does not have the votes within its conference to pass a bill, but agrees to let it pass with the minority providing some of the votes.

Rupert Pupkin For Congress


GATE (6/15/11): Kalman Yeger says it would be outrageous to eliminate Weiner's district.

Really. Has he seen a map of it?

What's outrageous is that it exists at all. In actuality, it’s elimination could actually lead to less political fragmentation of Brooklyn and Queens’ Orthodox communities, rather than more.

The Gateway (Gayt Marriage Edition)


This is the most unexpectedly touching video since McGreevey said "I am a Gay American."

Congrats especially to Tom Duane.

People questioned Duane when he publicly befriended Kruger (bringing him a can of soda on the Senate floor) at a time when most of his conference made Kruger persona non grata.

Now we understand why.

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