Fountains of Wayne


I first met Wayne Barrett 30 years ago at the old Varick Street headquarters of the NYC Board of Elections during my first NYC political campaign, trying to sell him on a southern Brooklyn insurgent trying to make a campaign issue out of Westway.

He told me that that was Joe Conasan’s department.

Gimme An F


RESHMA SAUJANI: Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning
Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe its the time of man
I don’t know who l am
But you know life is for learning
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

OK, she didn’t say that, Joni Mitchell did, but she might as well have. In fact, it would be an improvement over what she did say.

A True Lindsay Republican


To paraphrase Churchill, we have reached here, if not the beginning of the end, then at least the end of the beginning.

I speak here of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s reign as America’s prince of the ideology that dare not speak its name–hence it’s faux name, “No Labels.”

Maybe it has no label because, upon inspection, the package is empty.

The Gateway (Home With the Flu Edition)


This list of the year’s worst anti-Semitic slurs is worth a read, but with items 9 & 10, we really get into the arguable realm.

9. Though Christina Patterson is a bit patronizing towards Hasidim I've heard Jews, many of them Orthodox, make almost everyone of these complaints.

Back when Domestic Partner was pregnant, she and her sister were standing on a train and could not get a seat. Several Hasidic men were absorbed in their religious reading, pretending not to notice.

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