The Gateway (Black Comedy Edition)


Dominick Carter shills for Bloomie (then denies it in the comments thread), saying:

"Bloomberg has the right to appoint Cathleen Black Schools Chancellor. We may not like it, but the appointment of Cathleen P. Black to become Schools Chancellor boils down to an example of how mayoral control works."

Trivial Pursuits (A Drosh on the Jewish vote)


As Latke Gravas once observed, senseless and meaningless rituals are all that separate us from the animals. And though sometimes resembling a zoo more than a salon, the Gatemouth Family has a few senseless rituals of our own.

We break Passover over Liberty Ale at the Waterfront Alehouse; on the Sabbath, Domestic Partner doesn’t eat pork or shellfish, or commit adultery; and every two years I write a piece analyzing the votes of the 2% of Americans who consider themselves Jews.

© Room Eight