Beware of Dead Dogs


I’ve always estimated The Dead Dog vote to be 24%.

If you are an unknown who puts your name on the ballot in a head to head primary against an incumbent and does nothing, and the incumbent does nothing, you are going to get 24%

Unknown Gail Goode, who shot her wad getting on the ballot, and whose campaign after that consisted mostly of hanging literature on light poles, got 24% in the Democratic primary for United States Senate.


A Dead Dog would get 24%. Hence the name.

But the Dead Dog vote is not a floor; one can blow even that.

It was 1996 and Brooklyn Democrats were engaged in one of the meaningless wars that gets them so animated (in contrast to, say, general elections for POTUS, which they regard as days off from political activity, unless they are sending troops out of town, or, like Dov Hikind, they are busy working for the Republicans).

Kara’s Daddy


The doctor came in stinking of gin
And proceeded to lie on the table
He said Rocky you met your match
And Rocky said, Doc it's only a scratch
And I'll be better I'll be better doc as soon as I am able.

Now Rocky Raccoon he fell back in his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Gideon checked out and he left it no doubt
To help with good Rocky's revival.

Anyone who reads me knows my life was saved by Rock, and I do not mean Hackshaw.

Despite all the amputation, my life was saved by Rock and Roll.


The Gateway (Drank Too Much While Liveblogging Edition)


First news of the night. Stachowski gone. One more vote for same sex marriage provided (1) Tim Kennedy wins in November and (2) he keeps his word.

Both highly doubtful.


Espada gone. Even with the WFP in Rivera's corner, one must consider this unequivocal good news.


With Espada gone, electing Tim Kennedy is now Steve Pigeon's only hope of keeping a job; but I'm still unlikely to endorse the Republican


Monserrate conceded. Diaz prohibitedly ahead; Stavisky looking safe. Bad nite for Amigos, but it couldda been worse. Well, at least the new one who won defeated an opponent of same sex marriage.

The Gateway (Probably the Last Before the Election Edition) [But Updated Nonetheless]


If Marty Connor had done this crap with his taxes, Schneiderman's friends at the WFP would have done six mailing about it.Eric Schneiderman Hoodwinks the New York Times (UPDATED)


The shell game continue. The new WFP Party Chair is Three Card Monte. Close friends get to call him TC.With DFS Quiet In 2010, DSCC Helps Fund New WFP Campaign Account


Gate’s Last Minute Endorsements: 2010 Edition


This grab bag of leftovers brings to an end my 2010 primary endorsements.

MORE CONGRESS (5th CD): I didn’t realize until today that Gary Ackerman had a primary. I’ve had my differences with Ackerman, but he plays a unique role in Congress, staking out the sort of First Amendment free speech and religion issues no one else has the guts to touch. He’s also been that rare unyielding supporter of Israel who’d stuck his neck way out in support of a Two State Solution and other pro-peace measures, which given the large number of Orthodox Jews he represents, takes real guts (compare Anthony Weiner and weep). Most importantly, Ackerman has a savage wit, which he uses to puncture the Republican balloon with more bravado than anyone but Barney Frank.

Statewide and Congressional Endorsements


I thought I’d be done with endorsements by now, but twice during my weekend writing marathon, things got out of control and two articles emerged where there should have been one. I tried to save time on the first Amigo article by just stringing together everything I wrote before, and the damn thing ran 20 pages.

Anyway, the goal here is to quickly bang out the rest of my endorsements, or as many as I can before I go to work, and then pick up the slack after five. I’ve written about most of these races before, and I’ll try to provide some (but not all) appropriate links, but I’m in a rush.

52 Pick-Up


This piece is meant to be part two of the column I just recently posted, charting the current state of Brooklyn’s Democratic Party organization. It is also meant to be the sequel to the piece I posted earlier this year, chronicling the races for Democratic Party District leader (AKA State Committee) in my home 52nd AD.

It would be regarded by me as a great favor if you went back and read those pieces first before embarking upon this one.

The Kings County Democracy: The Lay of the Land 2010


“It has seemed that each time someone attacks Vito you are there to disagree…though perhaps with only a lukewarm defense.” Mole333 11/24/2006

Here's what I'm curious about, Gate: you're clearly a smart guy; why do you go to all this trouble to defend a decaying machine that doesn't deserve you?” Nick Rizzo 09/16/2008

This summer brought the death by puddle jumper of former Alaska Senator Theodore “Ted” Stevens, one of the last examples of a Republican Senator of the old non-ideological school, and for those immune as I am to bleary and teary-eyed nostalgia, one of the most despicable persons to occupy a seat in Congress.

The State Senate Primaries (Part Three B): Amigos Are No Friends of Ours


In our last episode, I outlined in great detail the complete and ugly history of the greed, moral corruption and irresponsibility of the rascals known as collectively in the press as “The Amigos”: State Senator Pedro Espada, Ruben Diaz, Carl Kruger and former Senator Hiram Monserrate, as well as their partners in crime bloviating billionaire Tom Golisano and his oily operative Steve Pigeon, and their enablers Senate Republican Leaders Joe Bruno and Dean “The Dog” Skelos.

Except for their monumentally unlucky ally, Hiram Monserrate, who got caught apparently trying to do to a woman what he’d done to the State Senate, these bastards made out like bandits, which is what they are. They held New York State hostage, and we paid the ransom.

The State Senate Primaries (Part Three A): Amigos: A History Lesson


As prelude to my latest set of State Senate primary endorsements, I’d like to rehash some history.

We who do not learn the lesson of history are doomed to repeat them, so I’ve cobbled to together some relevant history from my archives. If it seems like you’ve read it before, it’s because you have.

But you need to read it again.

It is a long and painful read about a long and painful roller coaster ride forced upon us by Joe Bruno, Dean Skelos, Tom Golisano, Steve Pigeon, Carl Kruger, Pedro Espada, Ruben Diaz and Hiram Monserrate.

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