Fox is giving aid and comfort to the enemy; don't we call that treason? Op-Ed Columnist – How Fox Betrayed Petraeus –
A devastating column which kills, burns and scatters the ashes at sea of any idea that there can be another site in Lower Manhattan for the Young Men's Islamic Association.
Money quotes:
"'There are a lot of developers and a lot of agencies that know a lot about downtown,' said Paterson, who indicated he was looking for 'surplus property or land transfers or title changes that would ameliorate this situation.' It's an interesting idea, except for one problem – there aren't any properties like that. A half-dozen sources who make their living worrying about downtown real estate – in government and in the private sector – say they know of no other suitable space. More telling is that none of them has heard even a whisper of a rumor that Paterson, or anyone on his behalf, has started looking. 'I don't think there's anything there,' said one of them. 'I think this is just an idea of the governor's. Nothing more.'"
"Still, let's imagine the governor could find another spot, one he could have some influence over. For example, the MTA owns the cash-cow parking garage over the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, but has in the past been curious about building a tower over the site. Since Albany regularly has its way with the MTA, suppose it master-planned a new office or apartment building there, setting aside space for Park51 as a community benefit. Suppose it found a lender willing to build a tower in a still-shaky market. Suppose it even won approval from multiple layers of government. Suppose Park51 decided to bow to the pressure to move, despite their constitutional right to stay there. That pipe dream would end up with an Islamic community center five blocks from Ground Zero. Does Paterson really think that would be enough to satisfy the critics?" Gov. Paterson's 'plan' for new site for mosque near ground zero not anchored in reality
Michael Goodwin, winner of the Coney Island Whitefish Award:
Goodwin's complete and totally despicability is exemplified by the joke which begins this column: "I just applied for a building permit for a new house. It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide with 9 turrets at various heights and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system. It would have parking for 200 old cars and I was going to paint it snot green with pink trim. The City Council told me to f- -k off. So I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a mosque. Work starts on Monday."
Unlike his colleague, Andrea Peyser, there is no evidence that Goodwin is mentally retarded, so therefore he must realize that the NYC Council had no right of approval over the Young Men's Islamic Association proposed to be located at the Holy Mother Coat Factory. Unlike the atrocity proposed in this joke, the so-called "Mosque" is an as of right facility.
Further, Goodwin must realize that the proponents of this facility asked for and received no special treatment (at least so far). In fact, as Goodwin surely knows, it is only the opponents of this facility who've called for special treatment, sometimes benign (government provided land somewhere else) and sometimes malignant (misuse of eminent domain and land use, landmarking and public utility laws, to be applied differently than to any other landholder, in order to stop the project).