This leftie write about why Americans are afraid of Mosques and Muslims. I personally reject the premise.
I would think mosques themselves are not terrifying, as the likelihood of being the victim of a suicide bomber when you're near one is probably pretty close to nil (although the JDL still apparently exists). As to Muslims, most I know don't scare me (except perhaps that six foot three wannabe Italian from Carroll Gardens who helped lead the fight against the battered women's shelter), and besides, they generally make better falafel than the kosher places.
I've been outspoken in my belief that those making an issue about the Young Men’s Islamic Association proposed for The Holy Mother Coat Factory facility are dead wrong, and un-American to boot. However, that being said, this article is total crapola.
First of all, I don't know if "fear" is quite the right word, and while I do think garden variety ignorance and xenophobia are part of the problem, let's face facts; the issues most Americans have with Islam do not stem from being brainwashed by "government policy and actions since the attacks of 9/11," they stem from those attacks themselves, and are further amplified by a well justified revulsion towards other actions taken by fanatics in the name of Islam.
But that doesn’t make the opposition towards this facility and other Islamic projects right; it just makes the author of this article a jerk. Why Americans Are Terrified of Mosques and Muslims –