As I showed in the spreadsheet attached to this post, the State of New York spent $35.02 on Medical Vendor Payments for each $1,000 in income of state residents in FY 2007, compared with a national average of $23.02, and $4.97 per $1,000 of personal income on state Public Hospitals compared with a national average of $4.00. Much of that was paid for through the Medicaid program, as was the $7.64 per $1,000 of personal income spent by New York’s local governments on Public Hospitals and Medical Vendor Payments combined, compared with a national average of $6.28. With Medicaid a state government rather than local government function in New York, and in most of the country, this post extends my overview of state government finances with a specific analysis of Medicaid spending by state in 2008.
Most of the data in the attached spreadsheet is from the Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS), generously tabulated for me by one of its staff members since its Datamart program no longer works on my home computer, now that I have an I-Mac rather than a PC. The data do not include Hawaii and Utah, because they had not completed their submissions as of the date of this tabulation. The data show that New York State spent $45.30 in total Medicaid payments (to public and private providers) per $1,000 of state residents’ personal income in FY 2008, far above the average of $24.34 for 48 states plus the District of Columbia, or the $22.83 for the adjacent states combined – New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Vermont. Only New Mexico spent more on Medicaid as a share of its residents’ income at $46.11, mostly because the income of that state’s residents is so low. In addition to spending more, New York covered a higher share of its spending in state and local taxes. For regular Medicaid (not categories with an enhanced federal match), the federal government covers 57 percent of Medicaid costs on average but just 50 percent in New York (as well as New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts). The regular federal matching share in New Mexico is 71 percent. A discussion of where New York spends more follows.