Now that Michael “Caesar” Bloomberg has disrespected “we” the people of New York City, it is only fitting that we (the little people) fight back. With this in mind, let me announce today, that I am starting a “Draft State Senator Eric Adams for Mayor” initiative. And before you fly off your rockers claiming that I am being somewhat reactionary: let me state just a few of my reasons here.
To me, the worst thing any elected official can do to the ideals of democracy is disrespect the voter’s will. My ancestors died for the right to vote in this country. My matriarch and patriarch (Amphy and Bashana Jackson) fought in the 1812 War. Many of my kinfolk -in both the Caribbean and North America- gave blood for the democratic cause. It is in their honor that I will strongly oppose what Bloomberg and company intends to do: no matter how much the deck is stacked against me. Overturning term-limits through cowardly legislation is wrong with a capital “W”. This is one of the worst things I have seen in politics anywhere.