Mayor Bloomberg Is Correct On This One


Say what you want about our mayor and his modus operandi but he has gotten a few things right over his tenure. I am not a big fan of his but I don’t dislike him either. He was absolutely correct with his ban on cigarettes in certain public establishments; taking the flack in order to get that policy into law. He was correct in putting public education on the front burner; even though I feel that his successes in this area were somewhat exaggerated: but you can’t deny that he has genuinely tried to deal with the issue. I think that in principle he was correct to suggest some type of congestion pricing formula for Manhattan’s traffic congestion problem; hopefully the details would be worked out before pigs grow wings. His positions on the issues surrounding illegal firearms (guns, gun shows, gun sales, etc.) are sensible and timely; and there are other things I could commend him on. Of course there are also many others that I could critique him on; like his police department that’s totally out of control, and the fact that big developers have surely enjoyed his tenure in profitable ways; but that’s not the issue here. You can always view my column in the archives (where I called him a leprechaun), to get a better sense of how I felt about him just a year ago.

The Vines (#05-07)


Whenever I run into political junkies on the streets, most of the static I receive-for my writings on these here blogs- usually come from, or for, things I say in my “Vines” column. I remember a couple years back when I first started doing these columns; I specifically told you all (between columns and threads) that it would be a mixture of political gossip, political history (first, second and third hand/lol), my insight/speculation/analysis, some inside info, some hard core facts/news, and some cleverly disguised political stuff for some of the insiders to figure out-much to their chagrin (I hoped/lol). I know that I haven’t disappointed you guys; and I base this conclusion on the feedback I get throughout all five boroughs. My blogging over the past three years has made me more popular now, than my almost 35 years of political and community activism in the five boroughs of New York City (and even beyond). Strange but true, and it demonstrates the power of media.

Barack Obama Will Win the Iowa Caucus


By now, those who have been following my columns on these here blogs are already aware that I swim against the current a lot; so this prediction will be no surprise to many. Over the years I have made some gutsy calls on many levels; my success rate is high (but not perfect/lol). I am predicting that Barack Obama will win the Iowa caucuses on January 3rd, next year. I also predict that it won’t even be close.

Look, before you read too much into my prediction, let me be clear: I am not predicting (as yet) that he will be the presidential nominee for the democrats in 2008; neither am I predicting at this time that he will win the New Hampshire primary a few days after Iowa. All I am saying is that he will handily become the Iowa caucus choice. And yes, I do hope that he wins the democrat’s nomination on his way to the winning the presidency; but in terms of thinking: that’s more wishful than cerebral.

Presidential Debates (DEMS): Does Dr. Lenora Fulani Have a Point Here?


Tonight the democrats are at it again; another debate amongst their presidential hopefuls takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In my estimation this is at least the tenth debate amongst them so far; or maybe it just seems that way. Damn, it is already a long presidential campaign folks. Remember this: frontrunners hate long campaign seasons. Just like frontrunners in horseracing that often fade into the homestretch, often times the late running closers get up in time to win at the wire. Remember John Kerrey; he was in mid-pack when Howard Dean was leading in all the pre-Iowa caucus polls. I think the same can be said about Mike Dukakis, no?

The Vines (#04-07)


In the grapevines, rumors are circulating that State Senator Eric Adams is considering whether or not to enter the race for the Brooklyn Borough presidency in 2009. If this is true then that brings the number to five, of blacks considering the same race. This list includes Assemblyman Nick Perry, Councilmember Charles Barron, Deputy Boro Prez Yvonne Graham and Chris Owens (son of former congressman Major Owens). Still no direct words yet, as to what are the intentions of State Senator Velmanette Montgomery relative to this race; indications are however that she will pass on this one (again). There are (hopefully) no other blacks looking at this race, at this point in time. It seems that Al Vann is finally going to retire when his term is limited (thank God), and his sidekick Annette Robinson has shown no indication that she is interested in this race (thank God again).

Another Brooklyn Political Story: The Foot-Doctor and the Hot-Head (Part I of III)


With apologies to the “Naked City”, let me start this article by saying that there are over nine million political stories in New York City; this is just another one. It’s a story about a podiatrist named Kendall Stewart-who is also a member of the Brooklyn delegation to the New York City Council; it is also about a Brooklyn Senator named Kevin Parker. You can figure out who the hot-head is; this isn’t calculus. Come September next year the two will square off in a primary election for the Democrat’s nod. It is always strange when two incumbents throw-down; given its rarity. This race promises to be a political crack head’s wet dream.

A November Boost for Barack Obama


Many black political activists, some black nationalists and even a sprinkling of black moderates, will celebrate Black Solidarity Day on November 5th, 2007; and in keeping with the theme, a large group of blacks intend to endorse Barack Obama for president on that day. Included in that group is NYC councilmember Charles Barron and his wife (and fellow-activist) Inez Barron. The fiery council member from East New York, Brooklyn, intends to put together a group of progressives of all races, nationalities and ethnicities, behind this endorsement effort. He also intends to line up many anti-Iraq-War activists, some veterans, many church and community leaders, and hopefully also a few elected officials of all races, nationalities and ethnicities.

Musings on the Upcoming Presidential Races (Part One)


For the next year or so, I will from time to time, give my thoughts on what’s unfolding in the upcoming race(s) for the US presidency. I will try to keep it real, in hope of generating some debate on the threads (something that seems to be waning in recent times). Lately, I have started to wonder if the “blogs” are losing their novelty status; or is it that people are just getting back to their usual spaces of political-disenchantment? In these here parts, there appear to be few lively threads anymore.

As the presidential primaries approach, I am getting the sense that Democrats think they have a lock on the “win” next November; I don’t share that view. Despite the ineptitude of the Bush administration (in too many areas to enumerate here), next November would be a dogfight no matter who the Republicans nominate. Not withstanding the Iraq debacle- which will be still going on then- Democrats need to be very careful that complacency doesn’t set in. Because they are out-raising the Republicans by barrels full of “mullah”, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t lots of landmines between here and the White House. As important as it is, money isn’t everything in politics folks. Just a personal observation, that’s all.

The Vines (#03-07)


Next week Tuesday is my birthday (09-18), and it coincides with a primary election in Brooklyn. I am really not vested in the many judicial races, so I don’t expect to be breaking out the bubbly at midnight, in celebration of some victory or the other. If I break out the bubbly at all, it will be to celebrate another year of life and that’s it. I am thankful; I am humbled; I truly am. Still, I will make two endorsements in the upcoming judicial races for whatever they are worth, and then I will fill you guys in on some of the conversations making the rounds in the grapevines, pumpkin vines, cocoa, banana and coconut vines. By the way, do you know what Beethoven’s favorite fruit was?

The answer: ba-na-na-na. Okay, so my secret is out: I am a wannabee comedian.

Watch Out Shelly Silver: Guess Who’s Coming Your Way?


File this one under: “Predictions from the Rock”. Watch it blow up and then come back to me later. You see, this is the month that Diane Gordon goes on trial over her alleged bribery caper. Remember the video tapes, where we saw Ms. Gordon seemingly attempt to bribe a developer into building her a dream house in some gated community in Queens; well unless they postpone the trial she will be soon getting her day in court. So what are my predictions?

Firstly; I predict that Diane will be going to jail, not passing go, and not collecting the 200 dollars from passing (monopoly). This of course opens up her assembly seat in a special election. And cousins, this is where it gets sexy (politically speaking, that is).