No folks, I am not gone (at least not yet/ if I ever do go/lol); my time hasn’t been good for blogging lately, but I thought I would slip in a grapevine column during downtime this weekend, since stuff is always going on in Brooklyn’s politics. Especially on the other side of the tracks where I peregrinate. So here goes.
There is serious in-fighting going on behind the scenes, to find the replacement for Yvette Clarke in the City Council. This will be after she goes to Congress; since we all know that the only way she loses in November, is if she is caught having sex with a dead boy or girl. Yes, in politics, necrophilia is more fatal than resume-padding. Anyway since that is not going to happen, I will give you a list of ALL the names (replacements) that have been floated since her primary win last month. Before I do this however, let me just say for Yvette’s supporters –who have been verbally beating up on me- that I have said on this site: the people have spoken. I do wish Yvette well in her new endeavour. Her supporters need to let it go. I called the race the way I saw it. As an educator I couldn’t endorse her, not after her faux-pas. As I always say: I tell the truth the way I see it, then I duck. She has won; now move on. I have.