Geography Lesson


“The Democratic leader — the Democratic leader of the Senate said, and I quote, ‘This war is lost.’

Well, well, if America lost, who won, Al Qaida, bin Laden?”– Rudy Giuliani–9/3/08


Does this guy ever tire of being a douche bag?

No, Rudolph, bin Laden and Al Qaida did not win the war in Iraq.

Those bastards are winning the war in Afghanistan. The one your party abandoned to go hunting (to coin a metaphor) where the ducks ain’t.


Accepting Good Advice


“A lying sack of shit may best be shown for what he is by stating the facts, but using greater discretion in characterizing him. More people might pay attention to the valuable factual argument.” —A Reader Offering Constructive Criticism


“Of great concern to me, during those same four days in Denver, they rarely mentioned the attacks of September 11, 2001. They are in a state of denial about the biggest threat that faces this country. And if you deny it and you don't deal with it, you can't face it.”—Rudy Giuliani 9/3/08


“For while Senator McCain was turning his sights to Iraq just days after 9/11, I stood up and opposed this war, knowing that it would distract us from the real threats we face. When John McCain said we could just ‘muddle through’ in Afghanistan, I argued for more resources and more troops to finish the fight against the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11, and made clear that we must take out Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights. John McCain likes to say that he'll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell – but he won't even go to the cave where he lives.”–Barack Obama in Denver 8/28/08


The Decider II


“Then he ran for — then he ran for the state legislature and he got elected. And nearly 130 times, he couldn't make a decision. He couldn't figure out whether to vote 'yes' or 'no.' It was too tough.

He voted — he voted 'present.'

I didn't know about this vote 'present' when I was mayor of New York City. Sarah Palin didn't have this vote 'present' when she was mayor or governor. You don't get 'present.' It doesn't work in an executive job. For president of the United States, it's not good enough to be present.


A Powerful Endorsement For Borough President: Can It Deliver?


The calypso king of the world (the Mighty Sparrow/Slinger Francisco), who was born on the island of Grenada -but lived most of his adult life in Trinidad and Tobago- opened up a famous calypso of his, with this line: “Let me tell you something, about Labor Day in Brooklyn”. That’s exactly how I start this column; by telling you something big that happened on Labor Day in Brooklyn.  

Since 1967, the West Indian American Day Carnival Association (W.I.A.D.C.A.) has been holding Labor Day parades (millions strong) in New York City. One of their big events lately, is the breakfast ceremony – usually held under a large tent, in a park off Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn.  Politicians from every corner come to this event. In the past there have been appearances from Senators Clinton and Schumer; former governors like Pataki and Cuomo; mayors like Bloomberg, Koch and Dinkins; and electeds at all levels of the political ladder. Even wannabee electeds show up for media exposure, networking, advertising purposes, photo-ops and the like. It’s the political place to be on the morning of Labor Day.


Barack Obama: Caught Up In The Issue That Just Won’t Go Away


I was backstage at the convention when Obama gave his speech. I was watching him live all the way; he was probably about 50 yards from where I stood. It was an awesome moment for me (and probably anyone for that matter). One of my friends -who had crashed the floor- came back to the media area and was standing with me when Barack touched on the abortion issue. I whispered in her ear: “I hope he doesn’t dwell on this damn issue”. She agreed. We were both surprised (pleasantly) when he didn’t dwell on it. But he stayed on it long enough to shoot himself in the leg (again/on this issue). 


HEZBOLLAH (The Party of God)


“And we need a president who doesn’t think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade.

The man who will be that president is John McCain.”–Fred Thompson–9/2/08

WARREN: Now, let’s deal with abortion; 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. As a pastor, I have to deal with this all of the time, all of the pain and all of the conflicts. I know this is a very complex issue. Forty million abortions, at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?

OBAMA: Well, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.


Fred Thompson With His Head Up His Ass Smoking a Crack Pipe


“Together, they would take on these urgent challenges with protectionism, higher taxes and an even bigger bureaucracy.

And a Supreme Court that could be lost to liberalism for a generation.”–Fred Thompson 9/2/08

With 2.5 Justices who’ve still not acknowledged the repeal of the Articles of Confederation; 1.5 willing to acknowledge the death of Herbert Hoover, but not his policies; one trying to personify a weather vane which veers to the right, two Eisenhower Republican (one 88 years old) and two Eisenhower Democrats (one with cancer), can we at least acknowledge that what’s at stake here is whether or not we will have a court lost to radical conservatism for a generation?


John “Janus” McCain


“My Democratic friends know all about John’s record of independence and accomplishment. Maybe that’s why some of them are spending so much time and so much money trying to convince voters that John McCain is someone else. I’m here, as a Democrat myself, to tell you: Don’t be fooled.

God only made one John McCain, and he is his own man.”–Joe Lieberman–9/2/08


1999: “in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade.”

2008: Favors a Constitutional Amendment banning abortion with exceptions–rape incest and saving the life of the mother. In a move exemplifying the Republican version of diversity, his running mate opposes even those exceptions.




THE GREAT DEBATE –21st AD State Senate

Thursday, September 4, 8:00 PM at the 41st AD Democratic Club
2952 Ave R cornier of Haring Street one block east of Nostrand

Fighting Senator Kevin “Dap” Parker defends his title against Councilman Simcha “The Toomler” Felder and Councilman Kendall “Doctor Foots” Stewart.

With control of the State Senate at stake, this race presents important questions.

Given the history of party disloyalty by some of the candidates; can they all be trusted to vote with the Democrats to organize the Senate?


The Unfair Demands of Many in Blogdom


Last week, on Room Eight New York Politics (, there were many complaints against me from some demanding people in blogdom. You see, I didn’t write a column for a few days, since I was down at the convention in Denver, Colorado. I made the decision that I will accumulate the info (notes, observations, interviews, etc.) I needed, and write columns all the way to the November general election; using Denver as a backdrop and/or a reference point. I assumed that it was my prerogative. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I belong to the “twisted egos of blogdom” (on the other side of the fence that is/lol). But then I hate to be owned: slavery has been abolished I hope.

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