It’s over 90 degrees as I sit here, and I’m thinking about energy, the environment, and leadership. If you read my prior post on the subject, you know that I believe leaders are those who can convince people to cooperate toward a common goal, trusting that their goodwill will not be abused by those who are just out for themselves. I said there was no leadership on energy.
We don’t have air conditioning because in this climate, unless you have it and become dependent on it, you only really miss it a few days a year a few years a decade. And on those days, you are begged not to use it. With energy scarce and the environment only capable of holding so much carbon, with with so many billions living in multiple dwellings without cross ventilation, with so many people who are old and without health problems, I’ve decided air conditioning is one amenity we can live without. But somewhere in the west, I’m sure Dick Cheney, who considers conservation a “personal virtue,” has an air conditioned dog house.