I have commented on the race for the 20th Senatorial district twice in the past 5 weeks, and what I have written is there for everyone to see. That’s why I blog openly. I use my full name because I want to be responsible for what I write. I refuse to take the coward’s way out, and hit someone from behind a sobriquet. I don’t hide because I am not afraid. Politics should brook no coward, but alas, cowardice abounds in this "game".
Stupidity also abounds, but thats somewhat understandable given today’s educational climate, with standards perpetually deteriorating. Too many people leave school unable to think critically, or even rationalize well. It’s unfortuneate, but "c’est la vie". I do believe that candidates for public should be able to differentiate between common sense and stupidity, and when their supporters make stupid statements, the candidates should immediately move to correct them. With all this as a backdrop, I hope that Eric Adams and Anthony Alexis would get a grip on their supporters like immediately.