Looks like a Civil War might be on the horizon for Democrats in the Race for Mayor


Over enabling Term number Three for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, back in late April Anthony Weiner declared war on City Council Speaker Christine Quinn saying term limits was the deal breaker, he can't support Quinn in any capacity, even as the Democratic Nominee in the Race for Mayor.  So much for party unity!  Well Quinn is shooting back.  Just the other day, here was herresponse to Weiner:

Quinn gains 20 point lead: poll


Let's face it.

If you're City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the race for NYC Mayor can't get here fast enough.

Quinn who has a shot at making history not only as the first woman mayor of the Big Apple, but also as the first openly gay mayor of the city, has been receiving some good press regarding her strong support for gay marriage and legislation she's backed mandating a controversial "living wage" for employees of businesses receiving city subsidies.

6,100 Teachers. Looks like Bloomberg wasn’t bluffing, but will the Council stand up to him?


Historically, layoffs are often threatened as a budgetary bargaining chip.

In other words, the mayor basically yells what amounts to “fire” in a crowded theater, and more often than not, the money surfaces from the State or Washington, and the bad news is avoided. (layoffs in this case)

However this time, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is not bluffing, and for the first time since the 1970’s, public school teachers are looking at pick slips. A loss of 6,166 teachers, including an anticipated 4,100 layoffs.