Defending D’Amato

One doesn’t have to be a friend of Al D’Amato to think that this NY Times story about Bill Weld and Al is unfair to D’Amato – starting with the headline – Hints of Truth-Stretching in Weld-D’Amato Feud and continuing throughout.

The premise that both Weld & D’Amato are not telling the whole truth is probably technically correct. But whereas Al is wrong about a relatively minor point – when they first met, Mr. Weld is shown to be telling whoppers about everything else. He is wrong about when Al gave him money, about how much money Al gave him and about whether Al threatened him.

All in all, not a pretty picture of Weld. I, once again suggest that the distinguished former College President has a better chance at the Harvard Presidency than he does at becoming Governor of his other state.