The Grapevine #4

As most of you know by now, this is my bi-weekly column where I bring readers up to date on things being said out there in the trenches and in the grassroots. I also try to cover events and happenings that won’t make it to mainstream media. Every now and again rumors will sneak into the mix, but for the most part I try my best to be as close to the truth as possible. Some people have asked me where I get my stuff, given that most elected officials in Brooklyn offer me no aid or comfort; far less information. I always tell them that after 33 years around Brooklyn’s politics, I have developed enough sources to get things right most times. I do have many many friends here. Plus, I do try to think, chew gum and walk straight at the same time. What has been amazing is the fact that I am seldom challenged on the veracity of my info. I must be doing something right; especially when I scoop the mainstream media at times.

Take this item for example: I know right now that a candidate in Brooklyn, currently running for the Assembly, will pick up thousands of signatures on the petition, only to be knocked off on residency. That candidate is registered at an address outside the district and even has that address on the petition itself. What can I tell you? Don’t blame me, I am just the messenger. Rule of thumb is that you move into the district at least a full year before the primary, if you want to successfully beat back a residency challenge. The funny thing is that this candidate is being supported by a candidate running for Congress. What do you have technicians for?

BTW in Queens, there is talk that Hiram Monserratte will upset State Senator Sabini in the upcoming primary. It is also being said that Hiram’s real target is Congressman Crowley (eventually). What do you think? While I am in Queens, some are saying that Allan Jennings may just resurrect himself by beating a weak Ada Smith in that senate race. I can’t agree with that, since there is another candidate running, and even though it’s a female, incumbents are hard to beat one on one, far less two on one. However, if Ada lost this race to either one of her opponents, I will say loudly: GOOD RIDDANCE. I could only hope that some voters are reading this and sharing my sentiments. Ada Smith is an embarrassment.

Anyway, as you know I try to get at least ten items into my grapevine, and every now and then I give some extra tidbits, so here goes (with loads of extra tidbits today folks):

Item #1. Former congressional candidate Kevin Powell was sighted in Houston, Texas, last Saturday. He was a presenter/speaker at this year’s Essence Magazine Festival (an annual event). This event usually attracts so-called “buppies”, and usually takes place in the South or Midwest. Maybe now Kev will return to speaking engagements, and prove a lot of people right when he becomes a political “flash in the pan”. As I said before folks, it’s not easy to make a serious run for public office nowadays. When will they ever learn?

To me the main pre-requisite for a political run is community activism and/or civic involvement. PERIOD.

Item #2. Al Sharpton continues to make a fool of himself whenever he tackles the “Yassky” issue. Sharp-tongue keeps raising the issue wherever he speaks nowadays, despite lacking credibility. He should simply just go away, and take Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and all the other jokers and sleepwalkers with him. And stay gone. They really hurt black people more than they help. They have outworn their usefulness. That’s what I think. What do you think? I could be wrong sometimes.

Item #3. While on the subject of “Sharp-tongue”; word is that he is going to endorse Ed Towns over his compadre Charles Barron, in the race for 10th Congressional District. Sharptongue and Barron were cellmates for about a month, when they both did time in jail for stopping the trains in Brooklyn’s subway system. This came about-over a decade ago-when they both led a police-brutality protest. Since then they have struck up a strange relationship, and often are members of a mutual admiration society. When Barron ran in 2001, Sharptongue-with energetic “shout outs”- would give Barron’s candidacy a tremendous boost whenever he would go on radio and/or television. When Sharptongue ran for President, Barron was pushing him like a bag of weed. So why would he endorse Towns over his friend Barron? You tell me. What do you think? Could it be that Sharpton would hate to see Barron “blow-up” any more than he already has? Or is it that he and Towns are just super-tight?

Staying with this race: you can also expect Rev. Hubert Daughtry to endorse Towns over Barron. This is the one that must hurt Barron the most. After all, Charles always refer to Daughtry as his pastor, mentor and best friend. He was once Daughtry’s chief-of-staff, putting in yeoman service in the role. Word is that Towns was instrumental in getting Daughtry’s daughter a high profile job in Washington, sometime back in the day. If truth be told, Barron was warned the very day that he decided to run, that he would be like the proverbial cheese: standing alone. I don’t think he believed this. But then Charles does have a very healthy ego. He really felt that he could snag some endorsements away from Towns, especially in the early going, when people like council members Darlene Mealy, Tish “Ostrich” James, Junior Dilan, and others, were encouraging him to run. Even Vito Lopez was encouraging at the outset. Watch them all deny this sometime next week. Funny thing is I can name others too. But I’ll be nice (this one time).

Other endorsements that Barron may lose are those from the “nationalistic” crowd. Folks like Joab Mashariki, his brother Jitu Weusi, Carlos Russell and also Achuda Bakr are supposedly lining up with Roger Greene. Barron has held on to Viola Plummer and the December Twelve organization, and has Stanley Kinnard coordinating his campaign, with help from Peggy Washington, Paul Washington, and Collette Pean. They are all working very hard on this campaign folks. His wife Inez Barron is probably the MVP; she has been going non-stop since January, in trying to pull off this upset.

Item #4. In the 58th Assembly District, there is another entrant to the District Leader (male/Dem) race. His name is Terry Hinds. He is young (early 30s I think), a lawyer, and is also a member of the Community Board. He comes from a politically-active family. His aunt Sylvia Hinds-Radix, is a judge in Kings County; having successfully run for office a few years ago. His uncle Joe headed up a political group in Brooklyn sometime aback-if memory serves me right. His roots are in the West Indies, since he was born in New York to Barbadian parents. His father was a school principal in the District 18.

From this vantage point, this writer welcomes new blood into the fray. It’s badly needed in Brooklyn. A few years ago, rumors were circulated about this young man’s possible entrance into politics. It is said that the “powers-that-be” are not enthused by his entrance this time around either. Good for him. I say go for it. More on that district, this and other races there, after petitions are filed.

Item #5. In the 42nd Assembly District, word is that Michelle Adolphe isn’t challenging incumbent Rhoda Jacobs for the Assembly- like she did 2 years ago- but is running instead for District Leader (Dem./female/ of course/lol). If this is true, then the incumbent Mary Hobson will be getting her first real challenge in a decade. Two years ago Hobson successfully knocked her challenger (Leolin Schliffer) off the ballot; the same challenger who tried her in 1996.

Hobson first won this seat in 1992, and was heavily supported by then county-leader Clarence Norman. Her relationship with Ms. Jacobs was icy for years, since it was expected that Hobson would eventually challenge Jacobs for the seat. It is said that Hobson is currently circulating petitions on which the name of incumbent Rhoda Jacobs appears. It is also said that they have forged a marriage of convenience. Interesting, to say the least.

If it is true that Taharka Robinson is running Adolphe’s campaign, then she should give Hobson a run for the money. Taharka knows his stuff, and could be quite aggressive at times. As of this writing, there is no sign of Zacary LaReche’s candidacy. Also, there seems to be no challenger for DL Booker Ingram. Six years ago Booker was quaking in his boots (literally and figuratively) when I challenged him. The county-paid lawyers of his, tied me up in court for weeks on end, totally frustrating my campaign. When the dust was settled, he prevailed by just around 900 votes (3200 vs. 2300). After all the mistakes I made in that campaign (including a shoddy election–day operation), I realized that in this game there are no “do-overs”. LOL. Do remember that, all you candidates out there.

Item#6. Since my open letter to Tom Suozzi, I have gotten many calls from people seeking clarification. I have had to explain to them that I think Tom is a great candidate, but it’s just the wrong year for him, that’s all. The deck is stacked up mile high against him. Many times in life, success comes from being in the right place at the right time. But who knows, I’ve been wrong before (one or two times/lmao).

I have visited Spitzer’s campaign headquarters, and let me tell you folks this race is a wrap. It would take a miracle for Suozzi to win this. Spitzer’s gambit (placing David Patterson on the ticket) was the “coup de grace”. It started out in a shaky kinda way, but boy would Eliot reap dividends on this one come Election Day(s).

Item #7. I told someone in the comment section of one of my blogs that I was leaning towards two of the four candidates, running in the 11th Congressional race. I even identified one as Yvette Clarke. Well the other candidate that I am leaning towards is Chris Owens. You see David Yassky and Carl Andrews are not options for me: Yassky, because his money is funny; and Andrews, because he represents business as usual. It is said that Andrews is “a walking indictment just waiting to happen”; if this is true, then the voters need to stay away. To me Yvette and Chris stand out. Being a woman –and given that we need more women in Congress- Yvette may have a lil edge on Chris; however, Chris seems to make a lot of sense on most issues. Personally, I hope one or the other of those two, wins this race.

Item #8. In the 40th AD, strange games were being played for a while. Diane Gordon has two challengers (Winchester Keyes and Ken Evans), both of whom believe that she will be indicted in the near future. Both of whom wooed Tony Forman as a running mate (DL) on their respective tickets. Well, Forman works for congressman Ed Towns, and I heard that Towns told him in no uncertain terms, that if he challenged Diane’s male leader (Earl Williams), he would be on the “soup line”. They say Forman then dropped his campaign faster than a slut drops her panties. It aint easy out there folks. BTW what’s the relationship between Forman and Naquan Mohammed?

Anyway, there have been sightings of a petition being circulated with Forman running with Keyes, what’s this all about Tony? Also, there were sightings of some of Gordon’s ex-employees picking up signatures for Evans. Well, its only days to filing, so in the words of William Shakespeare: “truth will out” (soon enough).

Item #9. In the 43rdAD, people are saying that Jesse Hamilton and David Yassky is a strange fit. What do you say? Also in the 43rdAD: former District Leader Joan Gill called to say that she is feeling much better, and thanks all of you for your prayers, support, calls and good wishes. She is still an active member of CB9. Accounts of her inaction are grossly exaggerated. She remains one of the wittiest pols around, also one of the most decent of people I know in politics.

Mrs. Gill reported that there is a challenger for Moses “Musa” Moore. She claimed to have encountered a runner for District Leader making the rounds at the community board. She believes that he was somewhat Caribbean-centric, and didn’t think that was a good strategy for a young newcomer. I will track this down folks.

Saquan Jones invited me to a Father’s day barbecue which I unfortunately couldn’t make, since my daughter was involved in an automobile accident. Hopefully, I will get to meet him before the campaign is over. Last week, I believe I glanced a large campaign picture of someone (either he or Hamilton/ on a bill-board type ad), on the side of a building on New York Avenue (I think). I was whizzing by in a bus and didn’t make out who it was, except that it was a young black male running for office. Might just be an effective ad there; not a bad start for whoever it was.

Item #10. In Brownsville, rumors have it that Abdur Farrakhan is supporting David Yassky in the 11th Congressional race. Rumors also have it that Aleeka Samuel is likewise supporting Yassky. Word out of Brownsville is that Lisa Kenner (DL /55AD) is not supporting Chris Owens in the same race. Kenner, who owes her leadership in part to the support she received from Chris and his father two years ago, has split with her allies Danny King and Reginald Bowman. Word is the political club that the three of them founded is now defunct. Is Kenner going with Yassky also? Some people are saying she is, what do you say? Tell Uncle Rocky if you know.

In the 59th AD (Carnarsie etc.), I am being told that a Jamaican-born brother (H.R.Clark) is circulating petitions for Assembly and/ or District Leader. Clark is black, and maybe trying to challenge a white entrenched regime left in place by the late Tony Genovese (Thomas Jefferson Political Club). It is said that this district has tilted since the 2000 census, with blacks now making up over half of the residents. Two years ago Francisco Hall (Panama/Jamaica) tried to run for leader and was knocked off the ballot faster than Agassi was knocked out of Wimbledon. What do you think are Clark’s chances of surviving the ballot process? In fact, what do you think are his chances of winning the lotto?

Staying in that part of Brooklyn let me inform you that there is a lot of action in the district leader races peeps. For example, in the 40th AD, I already told you that Andre Mitchell is challenging Earl Williams; well the word is that Diane Gordon’s leadership will also be challenged by a female. We shall see.

In the 55th AD, Royston Antoine “Uncle Roy” is circulating a petition. The eccentric Anthony “Mawu” Straker is managing that campaign. Word is that he (“Roy”) is supporting Chris Owens in the 11th Congressional race. BTW: Chris, why have you stopped returning phone calls? Was it something I wrote/lol?

Also in the 55th AD, former school board member Bilal Malik is collecting sigs for another run at the leadership. Another candidate named “Parker” is out there collecting sigs also; at least that’s what I am hearing. What are you hearing?

There is word that a woman-being supported by the Boylands- is also going. Plus, there is supposed to be at least one petition being circulated with Councilmember Darlene Mealy’s name on it. Word is however that Darlene isn’t going to run. And speaking of her, there are serious conversations suggesting that the Working Families Party and the Transit Workers Union made a big error when they supported her for the City Council. It is being said that she is incompetent and ineffective as an elected official. Imagine half a year in office and this is what’s being said out there. WOW!

It is said that the Speaker (Christine Quinn) isn’t impressed by her intellect/talent (or lack thereof), likewise most of her colleagues. Ms. Mealy needs to do some damage control, like yesterday. She needs a PR person. And yet, is it any different for about 80% of the council? There should be standards for this office, and minimum qualifications too. We do it with police officers and teachers don’t we? Most members of the council are duds. There, I said it. Now sue me.

Relative to leadership-races, there is another one in the 57thAD. Ola Alibi -the former District Manager of CB2 (I think) – is said to be running. I am being told that she will run a strong race. We shall see. It’s getting close to “show and tell” time folks. This is where you put up or shut up. One thing I like about electoral politics is that eventually deadlines meet up with loudmouths, and the many who only talk about running for office, are eventually exposed for what they really are. Talk is cheap folks; it’s the lawyers and the whiskey that comes with some expense.

BTW: in Brownsville (just like in other parts of Brooklyn), they are saying that Ed Towns has a race on his hands with Charles Barron, but that in the end the white downtown vote, plus the Williamsburg Jewish vote, should keep Towns in office. In that race, some are also saying that Barron has no Hispanic-vote strategy. BTW is Roger Greene picking up signatures for the congressional race? Do tell me y’all. Inquiring minds need to know.

In the 57thAD people are still keeping their eyes on Hamilton’s committee of vacancies; many don’t think she is running for the Assembly. One writer tried to take me to task last week, because I suggested that Roger “The Dodger” Greene could win a three-way race with Batson and Jeffries. Of course he can. Let’s not get carried away folks. He is still the incumbent, no matter how undeserved. While musing on it, I came up with this: if some people don’t think Roger can win re-election to his seat, then what do they think are his chances of winning the 10th Congressional? And further, why then is he running?

In Bedford-Stuyvesant, word is that Trinidad-born political operative Jennifer Joseph is challenging Annette Robinson for the female district leadership post (56th AD). Ms. Joseph, who has feigned running before, is a capable technician who has guided many a campaign-victory. We will see how well she handles the transition from operative to candidate. On the other side of that leadership, Taharka Robinson’s name keeps popping up folks. What’s that all about? Another switch? For many years now, I have strongly believed that elected officials should not simultaneously hold down district leadership posts. It’s too self-serving. Well, Al Vann and Annette Robinson have held these spots for years. But then, they aren’t the only ones. Two years ago- in the 58th AD- Councilmember Kendall Stewart made a successful argument against Weyman Carey holding down both the Commissioner of Board of Elections and District Leader positions, at the same time. The end result was that Carey was stripped of his commissionership. Today Kendall is running against Weyman, ostensibly oblivious to the fact that he holds an office.

And they attack me for exposing their hypocrisy. I will do it every time. They are a bunch of phonies. Let’s start with Charlie Rangel holding down a congressional seat in Harlem and being district leader at the same time. Take Clarence Norman when he did it, and Angel Rodriguez, and Lew Fiddler. Do I need to go on? Look at their duplicity on term-limits; it starts at Quinn’s desk. Collectively, they are-for the most part- a sorry bunch. An inept group of insecure mediocres is what they are. BUT, the people voted them in; so who am I to argue with?

In Bed-Stuy, people are saying that the impotent councilman’s latest grandstand was nothing but a fruitless trip down memory lane (you know the event that I am talking about). The question that recurs like a decimal is: “now what”? Lately, Mr. Van Winkle (Al Vann) has even picked up the pen and started writing in defense of his positions. Gimme a break! What is so sad about all this is that there are highly intelligent black folks in Brooklyn, who refuse to call a spade a spade and keep trying to defend the antics of this drowning brood. When you depend on others for jobs; when you are willing to grovel for your livelihood; when membership in select groups come with big perquisites; when you suspend your independence in thinking and analyzing; when you refuse to speak the truth, or even critique your friends and/or colleagues (especially when they are wrong); when you are simply “ a coward”/always afraid of some shit; when you owe too many people big favors; when your head is stuck way up other people’s butts; when you refuse to sacrifice for a cause, an ideal or a principle; then your objectivity goes out the door, your common sense flies out the window, and your morality is convenient and selective, lacking any philosophical and/or religious underpinnings. And then, without even realizing it, your knees are bruised because you have become another Monica-Lewinsky for the (s)elected officials. Go look in the mirror.

And with that let me say (again): “who the cap fits, let them wear it”.

SIDEBAR #1: Back in the 58thAD, there is a war or feud (call it what you will) going on between Councilman Kendall Stewart and Assemblyman Nick Perry. In the recent elections on CB17, Stewart and his forces successfully dethroned Michael Russell as chairperson-a Perry ally. He was replaced by one of Stewart’s hand-picked minions Lloyd Mills.

While I am back in the 58Th AD, Wellington Sharpe called to say that while he has been peregrinating the doors of voters in the district, the word is that they are fed up with Nick Perry. He told me that people are asking a simple question: name four things that Nick Perry has done in the fourteen years he has been in office. He said that he is going to upset Nick. What do you think? I know that it can’t be easy for Sharpe. I don’t think that; I know it.

SIDEBAR #2: To all my detractors who insist on trying to make me miserable, with all the threats, the snide remarks, the not too subtle messages, the attempted put-downs and the constant sniping; and who love to say that I have lost many races where I worked with/ or supported candidates in Brooklyn (something I cannot and proudly would not deny, over the course of the last 22 years), I do have something for you all. It’s a quote from the late-great Winston Churchill (I wonder how many of you fools know who he was/lol), and it goes like this: “success is going from failure to failure, without losing enthusiasm”.

PS: Given that I am not “officially" signed on to any political campaigns this year (as yet), I will keep my grapevine column going until then.