Missed Opportunity

State Senate – District 11 – 232 of 233 Precincts Reporting

  Name Party Votes Pct
  Maltese, Serphin (i) GOP 17,122 51.17
  Baldeo, Albert Dem 16,339 48.83

  “By rights, with a ticket headed by Spitzer…running against “…the latest Albany revolving door bagman (followed on the ballot by a Senate race between Hillary and …“Mr. Lost His Condom in Yonkers” …), this should be a banner year for Senate Democrats, but they’ve had trouble even fielding place-holder candidates in marginal districts. “ 

Gatemouth on Room 8 5/10/06 

” Maltese, like Padavan, is a long-term Queens Republican incumbent representing an overwhelmingly Democratic district who has run unopposed the last two elections. However, Maltese endorsed a Republican rival of Mayor Bloomberg in 2005, and since then Bloomberg has been seeking revenge. The nominally Republican mayor tried hard to recruit Democratic Councilman Joseph Addabbo to run against Maltese, but Addabbo backed out, leaving attorney Albert Baldeo as the Democrat in the race. Baldeo has raised only $35,000 to over $130,000 for Maltese. While Maltese is probably weaker than Padavan, Baldeo is the reason this race isn't a better pickup opportunity than the 11th; during a primary campaign for a city council seat last year he and an opponent engaged in a feud that led to both getting arrested. The district is 1/4 hispanic, which could play to Baldeo's advantage. This race leans for Maltese, and we could have done better than Baldeo for a candidate. LIKELY R” 

Scott in New Jersey on Daily Kos9/15/06

“In Serph Maltese’s race, he faces Democrat Al Baldeo, who, during a run for City Council, was arrested for allegedly pulling a gun on his opponent’s wife; the most remarkable thing is that the certifiably nutcase incumbent, Allan Jennings, was not involved in the incident. In fairness, the charges were later dismissed, and Baldeo went on to run third. In further fairness, one can be sure that Serph would zealously advocate for Baldeo’s right to keep, bear, and recklessly misuse armaments of any kind, as long as they were not aimed at a stem cell. I do not know which is worse, Maltese’s record as a far right reactionary, or his exemplification of the City’s Senate Republican record of being penny-wise and pound foolish. He readily packs his schools with member items, while signing onto funding formulas which weaken our entire school system, including the schools in his own district. Serph’s solution is always to apply a localized band-aid to a gangrenous wound, which in the end gives his constituents the appearance of special VIP service, while exacerbating their problems. But, while Baldeo would certainly be an improvement, and I endorse him with all guns blazing, saying "let’s give him a shot", one wonders why a stronger opponent could not be found in this year of all years.”

Gatemouth on Room 8 – 11/6/06

(See also this lovely analysis in the 2005 primary Citzens Union Voters Guide)

Well, either Scott and I were right, or Al Baldeo was a model candidate and political genius. I’ll let you view his website, (which is most reminiscent of those late night commercials for the “Grand Prospect Hall” catering facility) and let you decide for yourself. But, if he was so talented, someone at the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee should have spotted it, and given him some more help. And if, as I suspect, there could have been a better candidate, then one should have been recruited; Lord knows, the demographics of this area have changed so rapidly that no gerrymander could have blunted its impact, at least not half as much as much as it was blunted by the ineptitude of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which was clearly asleep at the switch.  

Special mention must also be given to “Democrat” Assemblyman “Fat Tony” Seminario who endorsed Maltese and should now be forced to wake up and smell the coffee (but if he did, would probably just send out for some doughnuts). Fat Man, The Times They Are a Changin’. Your district’s Archie Bunkers have been replaced by the Bumblebee Man, Apu and Borat; the neo-Nazis you used to have to run against are now a distant memory, like the last time you saw your toes. It is time you experienced some new cuisine reflective of the people you now fail to represent; try it; you’ll like it. And try being a real Democrat, or your new constituents may just decide to retire you to Staten Island.  The only useful partisan purpose served by Seminario's performance was to make the lame efforts of the Queens Organization look good by contrast.

 But it was not only Seminario, a right wing DINO, who let Baldeo down; it was the left as well:

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/05/20065:12pm.

“This year, only one candidate in State Senate 15, Dem Albert Baldeo, interviewed with WFP and they withheld the endorsement and chose to leave the line blank rather than give it to him. Sen Maltese is the most conservative nut job in the Senate and yet they didn't budge. WFP is just a glorified prostitute.”

As this goes to press, in Yonkers, Andrea Stewart-Cousins hangs on to a slim lead of 1149 votes, which, to her, defeated last time by 18 votes, may seem like a landslide. Last time her defeat owed to WFP endorsing her opponent, Nick Spano; this time WFP ostensibly stood on the sidelines, while their affiliate organizations worked for Big Nick. In the biggest Democratic NYS landslide in a lifetime, the Senate Democrats will, if lucks hold out, take one new seat. That victory, and Baldeo’s, would have been assured with WFP support.

Thanks guys.