Mitt & JFK

Mitt Romney, discussing the possibility of giving a speech on religion said – 

"John F. Kennedy gave the landmark speech on the topic. He said what needs to be said," Romney said. "I don't know that there's something different that needs to be said than what he said. I guess I could go back and reprint it!"  

Does Romney really believe that? 

Here’s part of what Kennedy said in that speech – “I

I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute; where no Catholic prelate would tell the President  — should he be Catholic — how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote; where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference.” 

So does Romney agree that no prelates or ministers should tell the President how to act or how their parishioners should vote.

 I hope he tells that to the Catholic Bishops when they push to ban abortions and benefits for Gays.

I guess Mitt doesn’t want any of the right-wing preachers in South Carolina who have endorsed him (Rev. Bob Jones III and others) to tell their parishioners to vote for him. 

Did Mitt ever read the speech?