FROM HYSTERICAL FRICTION TO HISTORICAL FICTION (an overly long and thoroughly botched token of sincerity)

“So how did the DNC choose to recognize the growth of local blogs "in line with Governor Dean's 50-state strategy"? Mostly, they got it right. At least in 45 states. But they blew it big time in five others, dissing some of the best state bloggers in the country.

In New York, the excellent Albany Project was passed over for a site focused on NY City founded by the Politico's Ben Smith. Go to that site, and it's nothing but press releases. [Update: That press release page is a lower-level page, which I got when I clicked on the "blog" link in their navigation. They have real writers on their home page.]”

Daily Kos

Après moi, le deluge:;jsessionid=085A14654B26320287A0732456CA9463?diaryId=3164

(another “Albany Project” post by Robert Harding has strangely disappeared, possibly because it appeared so early that it did not comply with the consensus talking points)

Left blogs all across the country have now joined “The Daily Gotham” in whining about the “The DNC’s selection of “Room 8” (meaning, in this case, myself and Rock Hackshaw) as New York State’s credentialed blog for the Democratic National Convention.

It wasn't always this way:

“There are also… the multi-partisan (and quite excellent) blog Room Eight…If I had to name the most striking thing about New York City blogs, it's the number, variety and individuality of the personalities who write them, more often than not anonymously. That leads inescapably to Gatemouth over on Room Eight, whose views I may or may not share from time to time, but who is read by myself and quite a few others. Also on Room Eight is Rock Hackshaw, who writes about the black political scene”

Bouldin on Daily Gotham—9/28/06

"Go Read Gatemouth.  Really. Right now."     

phillip anderson on the Albany Project – 10/23/07

Actually it’s not been all bad; Mole333 actually said something nice about me, while Sidnora was so effusive in her praise for myself and Hackshaw that I wanted to give her a big huggie. Still, it’s hard not to take this stuff personally, especially when Ambinder at the “Atlantic monthly” still says “Room 8” focuses on “New York City corruption” and Robert Harding of “The Albany Project” still insists in a thread at “Kos” that “Room 8” is mostly press releases.

Since the end results is that it’s me who’s going to the convention, I’d be a fool to complain, and yet (typical of me, says Ben Smith) I already have. I was probably the first commentator to point out that the DNC put out a call for one breed of blog, and credentialed another.

I don’t necessarily think it's wrong for the DNC to have credentialed a different type of blog (making a big fuss over people with audiences beyond your base may very well be a winning strategy), but if that was their intent, they should have said so upfront, and then they would have had the fight they're having now long in advance of people buying their airline tickets in reliance upon their actions, rather than afterward.

I wish “The Daily Gotham” luck. It reminds me about the small town with only one attorney who was starving to death; then one day, seemingly to make matters worse, another lawyer opened shop, and soon, lo and behold, there was more than enough business for both of them. Well, it’s the same with political blogs, whether Gotham gets credentialed or not, they will be there in spirit with me and Rockwell (both of whom, if I recall correctly, have posted at “The Daily Gotham” from time to time, although sometimes with mixed results).

The basic assertion of many of the pieces by those complaining is that the left/activists blogs have earned entitlement to box seats with the State delegations for their efforts in drumming up lawyers, guns and money for la causa, especially in the two recent special elections that have brought the party within an eyelash of controlling the State Senate. The unspoken assertion, in the blogs (but clear as a bell on the threads), is that the State Party exercised some manner of Vito, I mean veto, against the blogs.

Initially, I pooh-poohed this notion, but is it entirely unlikely that anger over other transgression trumped gratitude for the work on behalf of the Senate Dems?

Well, everyday the Governor finds new ways to disrespect the Senate Minority while kissing the rings of the other two point of the Albany Bi-Partisan Iron Triangle; in his latest effort budget hawk Paterson has eliminated the Capital Budget Items promised to the Senate Democrats, even the marginals, while leaving untouched those going to Joe Bruno; since he’s shown no interest in helping the Senate Democrats, could it be that his attitude to those who do offer such assistance is one of apathy? By contrast, the Assembly Speaker, unless he’s insanely charitable, is not unreasonable in regarding the recent efforts of both “The Daily Gotham” and “The Albany Project” as declarations of war. Meanwhile, the Senate Dems themselves seem to be busy hiding lest someone ask them their viewpoint concerning politicians with two families or convictions for drunken driving or other auto-related offenses. Could it be that someone in the State Party put the kibosh on TDG and TAP? If so, I’m betting someone was asleep at the switch when Rock and I came rolling through the depot.

Whatever the rights or wrongs, the DNC is the creature of the party’s Presidential nominee, or its President, if it has one; but in those periods when it doesn’t, control of the DNC is in the hands of the person who can muster the most support from National Committee members chosen by the Party’s State Committees. Howard Dean was chosen DNC Chair, in spite of opposition from the Party’s DC establishment, largely because he promised to throw money without strings at the State Parties and act as their creature. At one time, “progressives” hailed Dean for making such promises; now they’re condemning him for keeping them. I’ve never been much of a fan, so don’t mistake this observation for an endorsement of Dean’s conduct; other than my highly coveted seat at the convention, I have little stake in the outcome.

Or maybe, the DNC actually showed some concern for another issue raised on the progressive threads—the lack of strong minority voices in the blogs chosen, and they just decided that including Rock Hackshaw was a way of addressing this problem. Anyone on Kos got a problem with that? As a free-rider, I certainly am overjoyed at this stiring example of affirmative action.

Still, some of the comments made on the web have stuck in my craw. Much of it is the usual stuff—“Gate is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vito Lopez” (a man I once compared to Sonny Corleone) sort of stuff which would be news to Noach Dear, Carl Kruger and Marty Markowitz, among others. For the record, in the three times I’ve felt compelled to go underground, the cause precedents were (1) a non-ideological misanthropic insurgent, (2) two members in good standing of the “progressive” and “reform” movements (such that those movements exist in Brooklyn) and (3) a right-wing member in good standing of the hackocracy. Gatemouth is a wholly owned subsidiary of no one (although I don’t deny that a person or persons may hold a controlling interest).

It also is said that Rock and I are local NYC bloggers that rarely address larger matters. NONSENSE. Rock has spent the entire year re-writing the New Testament (with Barack as the man from Nazareth, and Rock as Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter and Paul—is Bill Clinton Pontius Pilate?). If anything, I think many in Rock's audience would prefer he go back to talking about Brooklyn.

Meanwhile, I’ve focused on national issues quite often, to the point of spending most of the summer of 06 in a war with “The Daily Gotham”. I’ve appended all of my stories which addressed national and/or multi-state issues, including coverage of events in taking place in Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey and Alabama, my tow Roger stone pieces and stories on locally situated, but nationally oriented, Congressional races.

I am also deemed to have shown little interest in State politics outside New York City. Well, not only have I commented on races in Buffalo, Long Island, the Northern suburbs and the Hudson Valley, but I think I’ve focused quite a bit on State Government; certainly as much as anyone on “The Daily Gotham”, and enough, in fact, that I have nearly finished putting together a book on the Spitzer Era called “Why Jesus Wasn’t Born in Albany” (anyone with ideas on how to get it published should contact At the heart of the book are these three essays about the Albany Bi-Partisan Iron Triangle :

Given all the controversy, I think that maybe it’s time to get some Sympathy for this Devil, so please allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Gatemouth and I blog.

First refer to these pieces of introductory material:

and this piece, which may be the Rosebud in the story of “Citizen Gatemouth”.

Beyond that, I will add this statement of purpose which I’ve adapted from the introduction of Gate’s other unfinished book:

As we are reminded almost daily, the internet in general, and bloggers in particular, have transformed the manner in which we do politics. Whether this is good or bad is almost irrelevant, as it is both incontrovertible and irreversible, although it is also a process in progress.

Most of the attention in this area has been focused upon how the web in general, and blogs in particular, have changed the face of national politics, but even in the information age, all politics is still local, and maybe even more so today, as everyone now has access to everyone else’s fencepost and water cooler.

I believe that I first stated posting comments on Ben Smith’s NY political blog, “The Politicker”, sometime in the summer of 2005, and first posted as “Gatemouth” sometime around the September primary. The date is uncertain because these posts no longer exist in the public domain, and probably not at all. Gatemouth first became a phenomenon largely thanks to an October comment which has miraculously managed to survive.

Once Gate was more than just a blip on the radar screen, readers occasionally expressed curiosity about Gatemouth’s identity. Thankfully, all of the early guesses were wrong by a country mile, which suited me just fine. I was writing for my own amusement, but without regard to anyone’s personal interests, including my own. As such, I felt free to state what I felt was the truth, without much concern over who would be displeased to read those things in print. Writing under my own name, I would have produced a far different body of work, or more likely, no work at all.

However, as time went on, readers were demanding some details, which I supplied, some lifted from my own biography, some from the life of the bluesman Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, and most, absurdities spun from whole cloth. Gatemouth (the blogger) was a bi-sexual, Jewish, half-black, law school drop-out from the Texas-Louisiana border region with a union card, who had worked as a Western Swing musician and Sheriff’s Deputy, as well as in politics and government, and had run unsuccessfully for public office. He lived in Brownstone Brooklyn with a Domestic Partner (named “Domestic Partner”), a non-traditional family and an illegal alien housekeeper first named Domestic Helper, and later called Consuela. Gatemouth was said to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the City’s political history, or at least a good memory.

Another key fact about Gatemouth is that he never lied.

Except, that is, about his race, sexual orientation, place of birth and domestic situation. Not to mention his education, his profession, his work history, his employment, the amount of time he’s lived in New York, and when he lost his virginity.

And therein lies the paradox. I may have been writing Gatemouth’s posts, but Gatemouth was not me. The lack of connection to my identity left Gatemouth free not to be an expression of my personality, but only aspects of it. Gatemouth was pure id. He said what I might say if liberated from all restraint and responsibility. And a me, liberated from all restraint and responsibility was decidedly not me. Those restraints and responsibilities were surely as much a part of me as my bad eyesight, my religious beliefs, and my family.

Strangely, liberation from restraint often enabled that portion of me that is most superego-maniacal. Gatemouth was often not unrestrained passion, but rather a nitpicking nightmare. As Ben Smith said, “fixated, detail-oriented, obsessive interiority".

When I sat down and wrote as Gate I said things I’d never thought, things I didn’t even necessarily agree with. Gatemouth, even without the personal history, was, to paraphrase Robert Moses’ description of onetime Acting Mayor “Holy Joe” McKee, an artificial creature, like a Frankenstein monster, found on neither land or sea. Gatemouth was a jazz improviser (although, like Miles Davis, some of his greatest juxtapositions were created in the editing room, rather than on the dance floor).

Although Gatemouth had many arrows in his quiver, basically he liked to riff. He rarely played a tune straight. Despite my 5000 vinyl lps, I am not a jazz aficionado. And, in fact, although his primary namesake, Gatemouth Brown, could and did play jazz, and sometimes would get lost in high speed solo and suddenly start playing "Yankee Doodle" or something similarly ridiculous, he was not primarily an improvisional artist.

Classic jazz improvision often involves starting with a familiar theme, played straight and competent, and then exploring all the variations ranging far and wide; musicians call it “riffing”. As Paul Simon said, “You can sit on the top of the beat, you can lean on the side of the beat, you can hang from the bottom of the beat”. Eventually, and ideally, one is totally transported into another time and place, and then, without warning, returned to the original theme for the conclusion. A fine example of this technique would be John Coltrane’s variations on a song from, of all things, “The Sound of Music”, called “My Favorite Things” (although, being a spiritual guitarist, Gatemouth [the blogger] prefers Grant Green’s cover version). Rock fans are referred to live performances by Cream or the Duane version of the Allman Brorthers.

Riffing is what many of Gate’s best and worst pieces did again and again, over time, without any real intent to do so, but nonetheless so often it became a pattern as boring as the music it was intended to break free from, necessitating an occasional trip into free jazz, or even Country and Western. Gate liked to riff (although sometimes he ended up playing “Pop Goes the Weasel”). His creator has never played a note.

Are then Gatemouth’s writings nothing but works of fiction, or, at best, works of “faction”, with no more or less legitimacy than “Dutch”, the sham bio of Ronald Reagan? “Dutch” was drawn from the masturbation fantasies of “historian” Edmund Morris, who wrote it after perusing the great communicator’s personal papers as if they were letters to Penthouse. The narrator of “Dutch” was a fictitious character named Edmund Morris, born in a different year, and having lived a far different life than the non-fictitious great fabricator bearing the same name.

Not that Morris’ move was without precedent in the field of biography. In “The Means of Ascent”, the prize winning, mythos building, creator of biographical behemoths, Robert Caro, created an heroic fictitious character named Coke Stevenson, who bore no resemblance whatsoever to the scurrilous reactionary racist former Governor Lyndon Johnson beat for the US Senate in 1948 (although he does remind one of John Wayne in “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”).

Does this illegitimate Gatemouth? Well, fictional commentators writing in fictitious voices about matters factual, espousing opinions not necessarily those of their creator has been a staple of American journalism practically since its inception. Just ask Ben Franklin’s “Poor Richard” or Peter Finley Dunne’s “Mr. Dooley”. And then there is “Mark Twain”; the barnstorming humorist entertainer of the Chatauqua circuit was probably the single greatest fictional character ever created by our greatest American writer, the gloomy and misanthropic Samuel Clemens. Or take this fictitious example of an actual historic practice:

“I’ve seen many of your pieces in the Post. You are Old Patroon, aren’t you?”

I confessed that I was. I did not tell him that in other newspapers and magazines I am Skeptic (who praises the Whigs) and Gallery Mouse who reviews plays and thinks Edwin Forrest the greatest actor of our times..

– From Gore Vidal’s historic novel “Burr” (to cite a work only slightly more reputable than “Dutch”)

In the same vein, I’d argue that “Publius”, the author of “The Federalist Papers” also qualifies as fictitious. Publius was a blogger on a mission, with an imperfect product (the Constitution) to sell; like any good merchant, Publius always stood by his product, even when it was clear he (or rather “they”; “they” being, for the benighted, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay) sometimes preferred that it be composed of somewhat different contents.

Thus, the age of the blogger makes everything old new again as a time honored anachronism rises from the grave for purposes of enlightenment and amusement.

So, those who thought they knew who Gatemouth was, even when they’d correctly identified his creator, were dead wrong. However, once Ben Smith and Gur Tsabar started a contributor-driven site called “Room 8”, and Gate started to post his own essays there, rather than just leaving comments on Ben’s “Politicker” posts, it did concern me that the guesses started to get better, both in person, and on the web. As they did, a modicum of caution would arise from time to time. One friend called to let me know that he was aware that I was blogging, and that that “pseudonym” I was using wasn’t. Though it’s hard to believe from the contents within these covers, the fact that a substantial number of people were fairly sure of Gate’s identity did have an impact on the contents of Gate’s writing. Largely the impact was not a positive one. Candor suffered, and it did so in a manner accurately described by at least a few of Gate’s detractors, at least some of whom, by their actions, bore some responsibility for creating the necessity for the lack of candor in the first place. Ironically, in an effort to conceal Gate’s identity, the changes I made rendered Gate’s writing a lot more like my own.

Posts “exposing” Gatemouth started to appear daily. Although it seemed futile, I prowled the web every day looking for posts revealing Gate’s identity, and then tried to get those who ran the various blogs to zap them. Ben Smith was cooperative; Azi Paybarah actually published an item speculating about my identity, and when I protested, he initially added my denial, rather than deleting it; eventually I had to get Ben to explain him the facts of life.

It was one thing for everyone to think they knew who Gatemouth was, it was quite another for EVERYONE, including those who’d never thought about the matter, or even read a blog, to suddenly have access to such information. A long time ago, a fairly scurrilous hack (who recently gave up his license to practice law) told me that just because information was in the public domain didn’t mean that EVERYONE knew it, and that it was not my function in life to enlighten them. Gatemouth thought it was his function in life to bestow such enlightenment, but Gatemouth still appreciated the wisdom of the remark.

My rampant paranoia didn’t mean that someone wasn’t out to get me. Someone was. My stalker graduated from the web to the telephone. Harassing calls nearly resulted in a complaint to the police. They did result in my first departure from the web.

But being a web celebrity was also an ego trip. And it even offered the theoretical possibility of renumeration. Eventually, that promise was fulfilled (for awhile); however modest its amount, its value in validation was priceless. Ego won out over self-interest and Gatemouth returned to duty, until self-interest left ego no choice but to capitulate, again forcing his departure.

Anyway, the contents of my blog preserve a day to day document of one particular period in the history of New York City politics (at least they do up to December 2006, when things became more sporadic) but the focus also swings to matters both more local and more global. Certain themes (and jokes) recur in a manner which eventually forms the outlines of a somewhat coherent worldview (I hope), as portraits are painted of the evils of the “Albany Bi-Partisan Iron Triangle”, the reflexive idiocy of “the catechism of the politically correct”, the importance of thinking globally and acting locally, the cognitive dissonance and outright hypocrisy of self-proclaimed “reformers”, the complete bankruptcy of the Republican Party, the emptiness and preeminent centrality of the politics of identity, the avarice of much of the political class, regular and insurgent; and so on.

Most importantly, my pieces reflect my belief that politics is really about culture; in the case of electoral politics, this means that ,when a citizen casts a ballot, he/she is making a cultural statement about his values. The understanding of this simple fact is the common thread that unites Lee Atwater, Bill Clinton, Karl Rove and Chuck Schumer.

When I started to blog on Room 8, my primary goal was to take my not very unique Michael Kinsley/Tom Friedman worldview and apply the rigorous logic inherent within to local New York politics, where such a method of analysis was sorely lacking. I also hoped to use the local setting to show that if all politics was inextricably linked to culture, then all culture was local.

The time was 2006. In Brooklyn, the epicenter of this blogger’s universe, corruption scandals had caused a crisis in the existing order of the local Democratic Party. Power transitioned, but cynics said things remain unchanged. Gatemouth posited that things were very different, although not necessarily any better (or worse). The City Council elected a new Speaker (Christine Quinn) with a new pedigree (lesbian) with the help of the new boss, and others of the old order. Things changed radically and stayed more or less the same. Local politics remained mostly a matter of ethnic turf wars, except in the rare instance when actual issues intruded, paradoxically creating even higher levels of idiocy. The most controversial issues involved local development projects, in which every side managed to transform their own self interest into tests of moral certainty.

Statewide, the existing arrangements, collectively known as the “Albany Bi-Partisan Iron Triangle”, put their finger into the wind, and collectively and ruthlessly signed onto the bandwagon of the prohibitive frontrunner, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, who although not one of the club, ruthlessly worked with all elements to consolidate his likely victory. Don Quixotes in both parties failed to fall into the bandwagon’s conga line, and instead set out on the road to ignominious defeat, while the pragmatists of the existing order ruthlessly arranged to exploit circumstances to control damage and ensure that all remained the same. Along the way, an heroic figure (Alan Hevesi), who appeared to embody all that was decent and classy, was revealed to be little more than a common criminal (and what little more was revealed was equally unpalatable). Still later, the man most responsible for facilitating Hevesi’s expeditious exit (Spitzer) is forced to depart the scene moments after the revelation of a ridiculously tragic flaw (as opposed to his far more significant tragic flaws which had been foreshadowed far earlier).

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Spitzer took office, and then came war. Unlike the one in Iraq, it was not without good reason. Unlike the one in Iraq, there was never a moment where the mission seemed accomplished. Like the one in Iraq, it initially focused not on the target which posed the greatest threat (i.e. Al Queda or Joe Bruno), but on one (Saddam Husssein or Shelly Silver) who, however deserving, was a distraction from the main objective. Unlike Iraq, the proper target eventually became the focus. Like the one in Iraq, those considered allies never encompassed full-hearted commitment to the cause; some may even have been duplicitous. Like the one in Iraq, the war was administered with limited competence. Unlike like the one in Iraq, there was no reluctance to commit the necessary resources. Like the war in Iraq, there was little notice paid to the so-called “rules of war” and insufficient notice paid to the rules of human decency. Like the one in Iraq, there was no exit strategy. Like the one in Iraq, it was seemingly without end. Unlike the one in Iraq it ended

Nationally, the Party of Jefferson Davis (the Republicans—get it?) remained intent upon proving that corrupt self-serving bi-partisanship was a lesser evil. Meanwhile, a war ensued within the Democratic Party between liberal internationalists and left isolationists; the former convinced they were right on grounds of both public policy and electoral victory, the latter united in certainty of their purity, but divided upon whether they were the pragmatists best ensuring base mobilization or the idealists for whom electoral victory was a mundane distraction from the goal of eternal purity. Gatemouth did his best to bring the war home to Brooklyn, ultimately leading to his undoing.

None of these strands took place in isolation. They connected, they collided, they interacted in a comic operatic ballet replete with pratfalls and pathos, and were scored with a soundtrack of rock, soul and blues while immersed in the baby boomer cultural stew from which both the music and the author emanated.

And, the entire narrative was refracted through the crazy mirror from which it originated: The New York Political Blog Scene in its infancy. Most importantly, through its reporter-professionals: most prominently, the omniscient Yalie Ben Smith, creator of the City’s first successful political website, “The Politicker”, its first non-ideological contributor-driven political blogsite, “Room 8”, and The Politicker’s chief competitor, “Daily Politics”. The fact that a political blogging scene in NYC would have eventually emerged in any event does not diminish the fact that the scene, as it exists, was almost entirely the work product of this one young man. Azi Paybarah once declared that someone should write a book about what Ben created; someday I hope to write that book, though in a way I think those of us on “Room 8” already have.

And let us not also forget Batman Ben’s little Robin, sweet young Azi, the Islamic Ashkenazi version of Jimmy Olsen, who in the course of one year spent forty years wandering in the desert as he made his haj from the Queens Tribune to the Observer and its blog “The Politicker”, the NY Press and it’s blog “Follow the Leader”, the New York Sun and its blog “51st State”, before returning again to the Observer and “Politicker”, a little older and wearier, but not necessarily wiser.

Then there are the semi-professionals including former politico, turned webgeek, Gur Tsabar, who ran Room 8 on a day to day basis, and without whom Gate would have hung up his pencil in sheer frustration and agony (If Ben was G-d, did this make Gur St. Peter or the arch-angel Gabriel?).

And most importantly, through the self-selected crew of New York political bloggers, most prominently including black Brooklyn’s thin skinned, self-important savant, Rock Hackshaw, and its sometimes delusional, but often sagacious Jeremiah, Maurice Gumbs. Joining them were “The Daily Gotham’s” first string, the tormented Jewish leftist idealist Mole333, and Bouldin, a liberal-pragmatist whose agreement with Gate on the issues does not forestall some nasty clashes. More often then not, arguments with one or more of these gentlemen (often without acknowledgement) generated the contents of my writing. By right, they were often almost worthy of credit as co-authors (in lieu, of course, of royalties). And, hovering just over this Gang of Four Horsemen of the Preposterous, like a good fairy, was my lovable and loyal Sancho Panza, the whimsical EnWhySea Wonk.

I also cannot forget two anonymous bloggers: the City Councilman who writes primarily under the nom de plumes of dead Southern Brooklyn Jewish pols (a trick I sometimes steal from him, usually when I’m imitating his style) and outrageous pun-names (ditto), and the strange misanthrope who I’ve dubbed Fat Ugly Smelly Toothless Bastard. Finally, there is one blogger who’s chosen to post almost exclusively on my threads, my brilliant alter ego, Roscoe Conway (a nom de plume via William Kennedy, but not, as some suspect, a nom de plume for Gatemouth). One day, without solicitation, Roscoe just began attaching brilliantly written commentary to my posts, and virtually only my posts, in much the manner that legendary NYC DJ Vin Scelsa, used to receive in the mail anonymously (or so he claimed) the brilliantly pun-filled letters from T-Shirt and Razoo Kelly.

Together with these and other friends, Gatemouth accompanies the reader on a Magical Mystery Tour of New York’s political world, and I am the walrus.

Stay tuned for more fun and laughter.