Well, I have to admit, I felt this chill going up my leg myself…

Best unintentional pun of the week:


GLID Backs Connor, Tingling

GLID happens to be the Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats, and it would not seem unusual for one getting “backed” by the Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats to feel a tingle (I mean, they are an important club), or maybe it is GLID which is feeling the tingle from backing Connor.

Full disclosure requires noting that Milton Tingling is the name of a Supreme Court Justice running for Judge of the New York County Surrogate’s Court.

Admittedly, it would be difficult to rectify the pun embodied in this headline. “GLID backs Tingling Connor” is hardly an improvement, although it does seem to clarify which party in the transaction is more elated.


Hey, how about “GLID Endorses Connor and Tingling”?

Before I leave this silliness, I can’t resist relating one story.

Tingling was serving on the Civil Court by virtue of his election from a Harlem area district when County Leader Denny Farrell decided to back him for elevation him to the Supreme Court.


Grand Street District Leader David Weinberger, an Orthodox Jew, went nuts. “I got a Chinese candidate, Doris Ling-Cohen, and all of a sudden Denny’s backing his own Chinese guy, Ting Ling. Why can’t he mind his own business?”


Eventually, the Lower East Side Mahjong-Playing Flanken/Spare Rib Kreplach/Wonton Coalition backing Ling-Cohen succeeded in getting her elevated to Supreme Court, where she wrote the first New York Court decision in favor of same sex marriage.

Only in America.